#Teams users will now be able to delete whole 1:1 chat conversations. For whatever reason, this is indeed a requirement that was repeatedly requested by users in various of my projects. I missed that it was also announced on the #MSIgnite, now it appeared in the Message Center!
Other features that were announced also find their way into the message center now:
Like the General Availability of SharePoint URL Renaming which comes with a bunch of limitations (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/change-your-sharepoint-domain-name) but is also very welcome. #MC462923
Another one that I'm very excited about is the possibility to assign #purview sensitivity labels to Teams Meetings to be able to manage settings like watermarking and external attendance etc (https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/what-s-new-in-microsoft-teams-microsoft-ignite-2022/ba-p/3614158#premium). You need a Teams Premium license to be able to use it but in this case I can understand that requirement for advanced meeting protection. #MC462923
#teams #msignite #mc462923 #Purview