In Modi’s India, the press is more imperilled than ever
The hounding of media website NewsClick is a form of McCarthyism, writes a former editor of the Hindu.
#NewsClick #PressFreedom #McCarthyism #NarendraModi #BJP #democracy #dissent #EnforcementDirectorate #ED #journalism #media #TheNewYorkTimes #NYT #hindutva #india
#NewsClick #pressfreedom #mccarthyism #narendramodi #BJP #democracy #dissent #EnforcementDirectorate #ed #journalism #media #thenewyorktimes #nyt #hindutva #india
"I sat down with writers and editors at Jewish Currents (Mari Cohen, David Klion, and Raphael Magarik) for a team-up of podcasts to talk about the movie. We discuss the way the movie portrays tensions within the Jewish community, its grappling with the history of the #AmericanLeft, its avoidance of direct portrayals of the effect of #NuclearWeapons, and its critique of the #MilitaryIindustrialComplex."
#Oppenheimer #ManhattanProject #McCarthyism #cinema #biopics
#americanleft #nuclearweapons #militaryiindustrialcomplex #oppenheimer #manhattanproject #mccarthyism #cinema #biopics
#McCarthyism is back, and it’s coming for the #peace movement
"Treating the military as a political plaything, much as DeSantis has done to Disney and as House Republicans have with the FBI, risks angering a wide swath of Americans, many of them otherwise supportive of the GOP. This is particularly true given that the composition of the military services is in a process of change at least as significant as that which occurred during Joe McCarthy’s time."
#Communists #Republicans #McCarthyism #Military
#communists #republicans #mccarthyism #military
People have been joking about being Groucho Marxists for years, but apparently the man was a comrade
#Marxism #Communism #McCarthyism #RedScare #Hollywood #History
#marxism #communism #mccarthyism #redscare #hollywood #history
#CancelCulture is what #BananaRepublicans call the historical phenomenon of #McCarthyism , but when THEY are the ones being cancelled.
The practice re-started in the 21st century in #Nashville when owners of #CountryMusic radio stations heard that the #DixieChicks had told a European audience that they were embarrassed by the #POTUS at the time. Oh, wait…
#cancelculture #bananarepublicans #mccarthyism #nashville #countrymusic #dixiechicks #potus
NEWS: ARMY-McCARTHY HEARINGS - 6/14/1954, various networks
Part of the months-long coverage of the infamous 1954 U.S. Senate investigation into alleged "infiltration" of the Army by communists and homosexuals.
On this date in 1954, a witness testified that there were (gasp!) gay soldiers stationed at an unnamed military base. Several senators spontaneously stated for the record that the base couldn't possibly be in their state.
#television #McCarthyism #politics #homophobia #gay #LGBTQ #queer #QueerHistory #military #USArmy #1950s
#television #mccarthyism #Politics #homophobia #gay #lgbtq #queer #queerhistory #military #usarmy #1950s
#OnThisDay, June 9, 1954 was the turning point for Senator Joseph McCarthy's anti-Communist crusade, when Army counsel Joseph Welch asked him, “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” (depicted in Tail Gunner Joe, 1977)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #TailGunnerJoe #JosephMcCarthy #McCarthyism #Histodons @histodons
#onthisday #movies #film #cinemastodon #tailgunnerjoe #josephmccarthy #mccarthyism #histodons
"At the whistleblower hearing before the House Weaponization of Government Subcommittee yesterday, we saw yet another loud display of the once-disgraced tactic of questioning the loyalty and patriotism of American witnesses, in this case FBI agents who’d taken issue with the Bureau’s handling of J6 cases. The Democratic members’ questions gave off a strong echo of the infamous House Committee on Un-American Affairs."
The #McCarthyism Reboot
'RETALIATORY BULLYING'‘McCarthyism’: DeSantis Criticized for Targeting School Superintendent Who Criticized Him – Could Lose License and JobPublished
…..” the Tallahassee Democrat reports. The DOE claims it has been investigating if Hanna’s “personal views” have had an impact on how he runs the district.
Supporters of the superintendent are speaking out, accusing DeSantis of “1950s McCarthyism” and “retaliatory bullying.”
🎬 This scene from "Room for One More" (1952) is #Fascist AF!
🇺🇸 The wayward boy comes correct for god, family, community and flag and is rewarded with a Eagle Scout pin in a ceremony #AlbertSpeer could have produced.
*This is the "America" the #GOP wants to return to.
#CaryGrant #Hollywood #movies #50s #propaganda #Republicans #McCarthyism #militarism #patriotism #nuclearfamily "#America" #film #socialengineering #Christofascism #TCMParty
#TCMParty #hollywood #carygrant #mccarthyism #republicans #fascist #Christofascism #patriotism #gop #nuclearfamily #militarism #socialengineering #Film #america #Propaganda #50s #Movies #albertspeer
Enforcement of social & political norms through the workplace is #McCarthyism. It's a bipartisan pursuit and the trend has REALLY come back into fashion.
2/6 Of course, communism would resonate with African-Americans and their fight to throw off the oppression of Jim Crow.
Ipso facto, #McCarthyism — patriotic Americans fear/hate/proactively uproot communism, which, in the American context, is really just a dog whistle about antagonism to any effort to politically organize against colonial white supremacy.
Imagine that. It's almost like everything is about #racism.
#mccarthyism #racism #blackhistorymonth
#McCarthyism #1stAmendment #Unconstitutional #FreeSpeech #Disinformation This is the text of the first amendment to the US Constitution: Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. And this is what Rep. Jim Jordan(R) is doing.
#mccarthyism #1stamendment #unconstitutional #freespeech #disinformation
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 7: a town meeting for #NationalTownMeetingDay
Raymond Rouleau's Les sorcières de #Salem (FR/GDR, 1957) – , with a screenplay by Marxist philosopher Jean-Paul #Sartre – is a very early #film adaptation of Arthur Miller's 1953 #TheatrePlay The Crucible. An allegory of #McCarthyism, the play is a (partially dramatised) retelling of the #SalemWitchTrials, a dramatic episode in early US-American history. During several court and town meetings, 200 people were falsely accused of meddling with the Devil; 19 of them were eventually executed.
Miller himself was accused of un-American activities in 1956 and convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to identify others present at meetings he had attended. Which doesn't mean that #WitchTrials are a thing of the past. As easily one can transplant Puritan religious mass hysteria to 1950s McCarthy anti-socialism, as easy is it applicable to the state of the world today.
#ArthurMiller #JeanPaulSartre #TheCrucible #DDR #SimoneSignoret #YvesMontand @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationaltownmeetingday #salem #sartre #film #theatreplay #mccarthyism #salemwitchtrials #witchtrials #arthurmiller #jeanpaulsartre #thecrucible #ddr #simonesignoret #yvesmontand
' [China is] the most significant great-power challenger the United States has faced in many decades. That is all the more reason for Washington to shape a rational and considered foreign policy toward it — rather than one forged out of paranoia, hysteria and, above all, fears of being branded as soft. Whenever policy is made in those latter circumstances, as in the cases of Vietnam or Iraq, it turns out badly. '
#USForeignPolicy #China #McCarthyism #hysteria
#hysteria #mccarthyism #China #usforeignpolicy
I try not to make too many sweeping political generalizations here, but have you noticed how much GOP legislation these days involves some form of "please make wild accusations so we can punish more people based on vaguely defined fears"?
Call this number to report a teacher! Fill out this form to accuse a librarian! Send us your list of people you don't think should be voting!
They're crowd-sourcing McCarthyism and making it more effective in the process because more people are "bought in" to whatever happens as a result.
Of course, communism would resonate with African-Americans and their fight to throw off the oppression of Jim Crow.
Ipso facto, #McCarthyism — patriotic Americans fear/hate/proactively uproot communism, which, in the American context, is really just a dog whistle about antagonism to any effort to politically organize against colonial white supremacy.
Imagine that. It's almost like everything is about #racism.
#mccarthyism #racism #blackhistorymonth
Of course, communism would resonate with African-Americans and their fight to throw off the oppression of Jim Crow.
Ipso facto, #McCarthyism — patriotic Americans fear/hate/proactively uproot communism, which, in the American context, is really just a dog whistle about antagonism to any effort to politically organize against colonial white supremacy.
Imagine that. It's almost like everything is about #racism.