#Boebert Lands Powerful #CommitteeAssignment After Opposing #McCarty for Speaker. https://nationalnewsmediagroup.org/world-headline-news/f/boebert-lands-powerful-committee-assignment
#mccarty #committeeassignment #Boebert
#Boebert Lands Powerful #CommitteeAssignment After Opposing #McCarty for Speaker. https://nationalnewsmediagroup.org/world-headline-news/f/boebert-lands-powerful-committee-assignment
#mccarty #committeeassignment #Boebert
Na 15 stemrondes is McCarthy nu al controle over Huis van Afgevaardigden kwijt
#McCarty #HuisvanAfgevaardigden #NancyPelosi
#nancypelosi #huisvanafgevaardigden #mccarty
So now that it appears that #mccarty will eventually become #SpeakerOfTheHouse we need a poll on how long before the right wing nuts issue a call for a "Motion to Vacate" --- 3 weeks max!
#mccarty #speakerofthehouse #motiontovacate
If and when #McCarty gets the Speaker position, the old phrase "dog who caught the car" will be superseded in perpetuity by "the Kevin who won the speakership"
If an when #McCarty gets the Speaker position, the old phrase "dog who caught the car" will be superseded in perpetuity by "the Kevin who won the speakership"
@msmith1047 @BullCityFats #politics #SpeakerOfTheHouse Then they should move to have an anonymous vote then the right wing-nuts can vote #mccarty in and deny it later
#politics #speakerofthehouse #mccarty
Here's the kicker I've been looking for: If the US House of Representatives doesn't have a Speaker, it can't count electoral votes for US President. And the new rules allow one(!) member to challenge the speaker. This means: there is a legal way for a Republican minority (or Democrat, though much more unlikely) to stop the result of a presidential election if they don't like the voter's choice.
#democracy #usa #congress #housegop #uspolitics #mccarty
Gleich so:
Buehler?… BUEHLER?
bisschen Abwechslung reinbringen.
#speakerwahl #mccarty #reprasentantenhaus
The 20 hard-right #GOP blocking Kevin #McCarty from being Speaker of the House learned nothing from the 2 member Senate debacle of the Dems, but how could they? The GOP #FreedomCaucus destains government action, period. They despise compromise & any check or balance on their ideology & power. Their ideological view supersedes National Interest & Needs, Democracy and even the strength of the Republican Party. This is not good for a functioning representational democracy: it’s autocratic.
There’s only a few people that would give a shit about this, so I apologize for clogging up your feed. Just some of our family. Missing multiple families. #mccarty #OftenWrongButNeverInDoubt #thanksgiving #family
#mccarty #oftenwrongbutneverindoubt #thanksgiving #family