#100daystooffload #synthember @82mhz @thankfulmachine @pkw @AlgoCompSynth
I stapled my basic ramped note (bugs..) to a small model #clim #McCLIM *application-frame*.
Now I'm doing my lisp development in our :package-inferred-system communal #CommonLisp lispusers package here:
a CLOSified beeps
b superclassing an application frame
#100DaysToOffload #synthember #clim #mcclim #commonlisp
@82mhz @dustin
we're all discovering personal meanings to synthember. DJ Damaru from #aNONradio said ONE TRACK A DAY #trackaday so that's the one to beat. I'm going to make a #McCLIM #clim clim2 common lisp app that beeps when I issue a command SOME TIME IN THE NEXT 17 HOURS for day uno. It's @AlgoCompSynth 's thing. @synthember
#anonradio #trackaday #mcclim #clim
@jackdaniel #mcclim so I found that I can reliably trigger:
Condition of type: CLOSED-DISPLAY
Attempt to use closed display #<.. (The X.Org Foundation ..)>
By running
(clim-demo:demodemo), opening flipping text, then just swirl around the flipping text window a bunch over the other one and I'll eventually get it. Crappy rpi 4, openbsd, fvwm. I thought some weird pixels from elsewhere on the desktop show up in the redraw.
#McCLIM #CommonLisp #ProgrammingQuestion #ECL @jackdaniel
When I run the superapp example at the start of the McCLIM User Guide which I have in a package named :eg I still have the #<cl-ttf-port> process running. Is this intended?
#mcclim #commonlisp #programmingquestion #ecl
@alexshendi @SDF @silverwizard @nuintari
It would make my life easiest if we were to use
irc.tilde.chat #anonradio but I shall try and join irc.libera.chat since that is where the #McCLIM and #ecl and @jackdaniel are ! I got a bit behind on things this week sorry.
for the #lispyGopherShow - tune in in about two hours, or earlier to catch @northernlights both on sdf commode chat and bytes willing, #anonradio on irc.libera.chat !
(scroll up for a few more details)
#anonradio #mcclim #ecl #lispygophershow
#lispyGopherShow #lisp y #gopher on #aNONradio only on @SDF public access unix.
0. #climate in NZ
1. #CommonLisp #McCLIM #ASDF and not cold booting one's #REPL
2. And hence stapling an user interface other than streams to my planner bot from old computer challenge
3. Some new gophers arrive from activitypub @silverwizard @nuintari . But what is item type t from silverwizard's static site generator?
4. DWIMification jokes in @alexshendi 's part of the last show's thread
~chat irc #anonradio
#lispygophershow #lisp #gopher #anonradio #climate #commonlisp #mcclim #asdf #repl
I'm very interested in an SDL* backend option. It's possible I could help a little.
Was there a discussion of targeting SDL vs SDL2 vs SDL3 ?
SDL is unaccelerated and can run without X. On the other hand, it's defunct and just dragged along by projects that want to run without Xorg (iirc, mpv?). SDL3 was announced a while ago, but SDL2 is still current.
#sdl2 #sdl #clim #mcclim #commonLisp #graphics
#sdl2 #sdl #clim #mcclim #commonlisp #graphics
#CommonLisp #lisp #McCLIM #CLIM standard graphics focused extension to the standard's stream inputs, hello world. Thanks @jackdaniel
web proxy
#commonlisp #lisp #mcclim #clim #twohourslispperday #gopher
#lisp y #gopher #climate
#aNONradio #SDF
@kentpitman #haiku
I yell (toot) at an NZ Climate justice thinktank
LLM suggests we encrypt everything and "honeypot" it with junk content
#gopher #gemini #OldComputerChallenge final phosts
(ironically) https://occ.deadnet.se
Anyone remember who did old computer synth #music ?
@nutilius #occ followup #PlusTwoHoursLispPerDay
@surabax is launching https://lisp.ie
@pkw , me, sort've @JackDaniel #McCLIM #ECL projects !
#lisp #gopher #climate #anonradio #sdf #haiku #gemini #oldcomputerchallenge #music #occ #plustwohourslispperday #mcclim #ecl
#OldComputerChallenge #finalTransmission
It's now 000UTC 17th - 30 minutes.
back to
Next up, @nutilius ' #TwoHoursLispPerDay challenge !
#interlisp #zetalisp #EmbeddableCommonLisp #MCCLIM for me !
(That's + two hours, I'm not cutting down ;p)
#oldcomputerchallenge #finaltransmission #gopher #twohourslispperday #interlisp #zetalisp #embeddablecommonlisp #mcclim
#OldComputerChallenge #finalTransmission
It's now 000UTC 17th - 30 minutes.
back to
Next up, @nutilius ' #TwoHoursLispPerDay challenge !
#interlisp #zetalisp #EmbeddableCommonLisp #MCCLIM for me !
(That's + two hours, I'm not cutting down ;p)
#oldcomputerchallenge #finaltransmission #gopher #twohourslispperday #interlisp #zetalisp #embeddablecommonlisp #mcclim
#OldComputerChallenge #finalTransmission
It's now 000UTC 17th - 30 minutes.
back to
Next up, @nutilius ' #TwoHoursLispPerDay challenge !
#interlisp #zetalisp #EmbeddableCommonLisp #MCCLIM for me !
(That's + two hours, I'm not cutting down ;p)
#oldcomputerchallenge #finaltransmission #gopher #twohourslispperday #interlisp #zetalisp #embeddablecommonlisp #mcclim
thanks! And aside, the week after old computer challenge finishes (so 12 days from now) I will do an episode starting to investigate #mcclim which I haven't used yet, so I will have some questions for you if that's alright.
@nutilius @louis @svetlyak40wt
@xogium Huh, wait, really?
What even is the point of using Gtk instead of #Tk / #McCLIM at that point? The sole reason to even use the big toolkits (Gtk/Qt) is because of the "free" AT-SPI support as far as I'm concerned.
Otherwise they're just heavier and more cumbersome to use for no real benefit.
Props to Daniel Kochmański for moving McCLIM out of Ma$ter $atan's shitty-ass git hosting site.
To MS, FOSS is just free labor, free infrastructure, free advertisement and and free training data to their shitty AI.
They steal your shit and then sell it back to you, like the gangsters they are. In the 90s the way you got car insurance in my country was your car would disappear and then you would buy it back insured from the insurance company.
#commonlisp #lisp #mcclim #github #codeberg