If you are interested by maritimes routes and boat in the Roman Empire, join us today for our #CDAL Seminar!
Manuela Ritondale form Groningen University will present: "Underexplored frontiers: modelling the archaeological potential in maritime contexts. Utility, challenges and misconceptions".
You can register to join online: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtdu-urTorGtJilpg9eo4A3oeG7tRbQa7_ or join us in person at the #McDonaldInstitute at 4pm UK time.
#CambridgeArchaeology #archeodon #archaeology
#CDAL #mcdonaldinstitute #cambridgearchaeology #archeodon #archaeology
Today Dries Daems from the Middle East Technical University (http://sa.metu.edu.tr/en/assist-prof-dr-dries-daems) is presenting hist research for our last #CDAL seminar of the term. The title: SagaScape: Simulating human impact and community formation in southwest #Anatolia during the first millennium BCE. On the menu: #AgentBasedModeling #netlogo #archaeology #SocialComplexity #HumanEnvironmentInteractions Join us in person in #Cambridge at the #McDonaldInstitute or online: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtceugrjIrGNXrttydB_XbuFHMtgssRo33
#CDAL #anatolia #AgentBasedModeling #netlogo #archaeology #socialcomplexity #humanenvironmentinteractions #cambridge #mcdonaldinstitute