Word schoonmaker bij McDonalds in Leeuwarden!
Bekijk hier de vacature: https://vacatures-leeuwarden.nl/vacature/word-schoonmaker-bij-mcdonalds-in-leeuwarden/
#vacature #leeuwarden #mcdonalds
#IWondered how long #SelfService would last
#McDonalds eliminating #DrinkStations
#drinkstations #mcdonalds #selfservice #iwondered
#McDonalds in #Germany is better than the #USA because the #IceCreamMachine isn't broken!
In all seriousness, that's because none of their franchisees use the shitty machine that is used in the #US' franchisees' locations:
#US #Pwned #icecreammachine #USA #Germany #mcdonalds
The #McDonaldsPie packaging in #Sweden is spot on.
#mcdonaldspie #sweden #pie #mcdonalds
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Trump Held $100,000-a-Plate Fundraiser to Help Out Beleaguered Buddy Rudy Giuliani https://jezebel.com/trump-held-100-000-a-plate-fundraiser-to-help-out-bele-1850818533 #Jezebel #manhattaninstituteforpolicyresearch #americanpeopleofgermandescent #donaldtrumplitigation #trumpukrainescandal #timepersonoftheyear #rudygiuliani #donaldtrump #briantevis #mcdonalds #giuliani #andrew
#jezebel #manhattaninstituteforpolicyresearch #americanpeopleofgermandescent #donaldtrumplitigation #trumpukrainescandal #timepersonoftheyear #rudygiuliani #donaldtrump #briantevis #mcdonalds #giuliani #andrew
Why is it the Hamburglar and not the Beef Thief?
Is it ironic that retailers offer us "loyalty points" that expire? They demand our loyalty and at the same time make it clear that this is not a reciprocal agreement. Wow! #retail #greed #opentable #starbucks #mcdonalds
#retail #greed #opentable #Starbucks #mcdonalds
I have an explanation for why McDonald's is still selling Li'l Donuts. Almost everybody who's tried them hates them but there are enough people out there that keep buying them. It's like email spam. Sadly, SPAM® tastes better than Li'l Donuts. 🤮
全線麥當勞都有McCafé喇☕ ( 希望台灣McCafe都可以改進,商品少得可憐
McDonald’s Faces a Milk-Shakedown | by Stephen Moore | Sep, 2023 | Medium
#mcDonalds #iceCream #rightToRepair
#mcdonalds #icecream #righttorepair
Lichfield councillor raises concerns over litter and traffic with bosses behind plan for new drive-thru restaurant
#Lichfield #News #Planning #Politics #featured #McDonalds #RussBragger
#lichfield #news #planning #politics #featured #mcdonalds #russbragger
Ich habe gerade Schrödingers #Cola getrunken. Ich habe bei #McDonalds eine #ColaZero und Vater eine normale Cola bestellt. Was was ist wurde nicht richtig gekennzeichnet. Also mussten wir raten was was ist.
Try the scrambled egg sausage burger this morning. I think the scrambled egg chicken burger is better. #Singapore #mcdonalds
Why I hate #fastfood. (1.)
Rockpools adjacent to a National Park on beautiful Umina Beach and some idiot leaves a #McDonalds plastic milkshake container right in the rocks. This wasn't washed up by the tide; this still had milkshake in it, so it was placed there by some uncaring hand. Why do some people have such little respect for the wonders of nature?
(And yes, I "disposed" of it; i.e. sent it out of sight towards landfill. How many millions of these plastic containers are littering the earth? We can do better than this, I think.)
#plastic #plasticpollution #waste #pollution #consumerism #capitalism
#fastfood #mcdonalds #plastic #plasticpollution #waste #pollution #consumerism #capitalism
Fast food pr0n! Anyone want a McNugget 6pcs menu?
#retrogaming #mcdonalds #mcnugget #tetris #crap
在新加坡之旅最後一天,終於有機會吃一次 #mcdonalds 。不要問我Black Pepper Cheese Filet-O-Fish跟一般魚柳包有什麼分別(好像都是只有半塊芝士),也不要問我McCafe是否很OK。若不是要趕著上機回港,太急趕而食不知其味的話,在人工瀑布下吃麥當勞應該是難得的一次體驗。 #mcdsg #推特吃 #twiteat
#twiteat #推特吃 #mcdsg #mcdonalds
原文 → → 麥當勞咖啡今晚6時起停售 網民哀號 估原因係咁:逼人飲呢樣… | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/article/936977?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral
Horecamedewerker – McDonald’s Hoendiep – Groningen
Bekijk hier de vacature: https://groningen.work/2023/09/03/horecamedewerker-mcdonalds-hoendiep-groningen/
#vacature #groningen #mcdonalds