About a month ago I encountered an unfortunate performance degradation in mcedit: when you paste very long line (~50K) it takes visible time to process the paste: https://midnight-commander.org/ticket/4421
I took it as an opportunity to give vim a second chance. Turns out ~/.vimrc I kept around for decades was actively corrupting text files. Once I fixed it vim became quite usable!
I dumped a bit of editor history I had into the https://trofi.github.io/posts/277-from-mcedit-to-vim.html
#midnightcommander #mcedit #vim
At first i was like:
Alt-6 for paste? wtf are they smoking? These binds are terrible.
Now i'm like:
C-Space, Alt-Space for moving word-by-word feels nice!
Alt-: to record a macro and Alt-; to execute is nice too!
Find and replace is way more intuitive with C-w than :s/foo/bar/g
Just my 2 cents - give #nano a chance
Unrelated: #helix is a damn nice modal editor, but i can't get used to d and x keystrokes changing places with vi.
#mcedit also uses Alt-6. I'll get used to it.
At first i was like:
Alt-6 for paste? wtf are they smoking? These binds are terrible.
Now i'm like:
C-Enter, Alt-Enter for moving word-by-word feels nice!
Alt-: to record a macro and Alt-; to execute is nice too!
Find and replace is way more intuitive with C-w than :s/foo/bar/g
Just my 2 cents - give #nano a chance
Unrelated: #helix is a damn nice modal editor, but i can't get used to d and x keystrokes changing places with vi.
#mcedit also uses Alt-6. I'll get used to it.
2016 project: UNDERWORLD - voxel landscapes from noise
Like many folk I travelled through the noisy realm of 2D and 3D heightmaps. Working in Python from first principles I made a few scripts that resulted in the UNDERWORLD filter, available here: http://www.brightmoore.net/mcedit-filters-1/underworld
It also has a mix of ore-vein and tunnel generators, as well as pine trees!
This has been a workhorse for a lot of projects.
#Minecraft #2016 #MCEdit #Procedural
#Minecraft #mcedit #procedural
January 22, 2016 project: WORLD FOUNDRY procedural planets
This project grew out of an earlier project THAT'S NO MOON that was my first attempt at large-scale stellar bodies. Here I focussed on creating noisy spherical landscapes with a layered structure.
This technology was used in Jigarbov's #MinecraftMarketplace worlds called "ABSTRACTION: SOLAR" and "ABSTRACTION: SOLAR 2", as well as several community projects that I am aware of.
The tools and techniques developed here became useful when I started thinking about procedurally generating the universe for my own Marketplace project: STAR BLOCK
Code and schematic examples available here http://www.brightmoore.net/mcedit-filters-1/worldfoundry
STAR BLOCK is available here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=8ad6eafc-a04e-49e6-8a0d-b60f7e93e6e2
#Minecraft #2016 #MCEdit #Procedural
#minecraftmarketplace #Minecraft #mcedit #procedural
August 18, 2016 project ARMADA: Procedural voxel spaceship MCEdit script filter.
Code and schematic examples are available from http://www.brightmoore.net/mcedit-filters-1/armada
This devlog was really fun, with people claiming ships based on their own unique generation seed.
#Minecraft #2016 #MCEdit #Procedural
#Minecraft #mcedit #procedural
Начинаю подозревать, что терминальный мультиплексор (или что он там) это первый шаг к емаксу. Пока держусь в mcedit в консоли и kate в GUI.
#lang_ru #linux #emacs #mcedit #редакторы
Похоже, mcedit не умеет визуально переносить строки по границе окна. Странно. Хоть на tilde переходи.
Also, I was informed that there's a Generative Design in #Minecraft competition going on! Submit an #MCEdit filter or (new experimental option) #MinecraftForge mod for 1.12.2 that transforms a chunk of a map on request to place a human-style settlement on it. The result maps get loaded back into vanilla to be judged on their adaptiveness to the environment, functionality, quality of narrative implication, and aesthetics. #ProceduralGeneration
Via http://gendesignmc.engineering.nyu.edu/ (official) + https://www.reddit.com/r/proceduralgeneration/comments/ayec8m/oneyear_update_for_the_ai_settlement_generation/ (reddit)
I am still, however, bad at computational geometry…
#minecraft #mcedit #minecraftforge #proceduralgeneration