Watch Prof Helena Teede on why women have poorer health & higher psychological distress than men in #Australia. She is working towards a Women’s Public Health, Wellbeing & Equity Institute to improve the health outcomes of Australian women.
#genderEquity #MCHRI #AUSPOL #MonashUni
#australia #genderequity #mchri #auspol #monashuni
And.... more on our research:
"Gender gaps drive poor health’: Research shows Australia is 200 years away from income equality"
by Brianna Boecker at #WomensAgenda
#MCHRI #monashuniversity #Gender #auspol
#womensagenda #mchri #monashuniversity #gender #auspol
BREAKING: National Women’s Health and Wellbeing Scorecard launched today has highlighted the declining reported health and wellbeing over the past decade for Australian women. This report confirms that progress is either not being made or is too slow.
We can improve this - we just need the will. Improving gender equality, improves the whole of society, therefore it makes sense... Read more at #MJA_Insights
#mja_insights #mchri #australia #gendergap #equality #auspol