At the #SSDaley fashion show British actor Ian #McKellen sported a cap like those concentration camp prisoners used to wear as an fashion item. This inexcusable and unacceptable!
I find most of Kurt #Vonnegut ‘s writing just improves with was clear and concise then and the meaning is plain for all to see now. He also has a very conversational writing style, so not suprised #Cumberbatch and his #McKellen chose to perform his letters. If you’re having a #BlueMonday ...can’t guarantee this will improve the situation, but you may feel a wry smile...
#BlueMonday #mckellen #cumberbatch #vonnegut
@farneyexpat @elibisme @hicoo @marq @shakespearenut @Joncperson @Rubrastella @jblue @rune
IMPORTANT -- change of schedule
Apologies for the late change, but unfortunately I am unavailable on the 24th and 25th, so I am going to have to do our #Macbeth #Shakespeare discussion group on another day. Stay tuned for new scheduling info.
In the meantime, here is link to the #McKellen production of the #ScottishPlay one more time...
#macbeth #shakespeare #mckellen #scottishplay