NYT Architecture : Once the World’s Largest, a Hotel Goes ‘Poof!’ Before Our Eyes https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/02/nyregion/hotel-pennsylvania-nyc.html #HistoricBuildingsandSites #MidtownArea(Manhattan,NY) #HotelsandTravelLodgings #audio-neutral-immersive #AreaPlanningandRenewal #RealEstate(Commercial) #VornadoRealtyTrust #HotelPennsylvania #internal-sub-only #McKim,Mead&White #Architecture #Demolition #vis-photo
#historicbuildingsandsites #midtownarea #hotelsandtravellodgings #audio #areaplanningandrenewal #realestate #vornadorealtytrust #hotelpennsylvania #internal #mckim #architecture #demolition #vis
#McKim to #Lowe #Bullock crossed arms defensive. #NickMcKim "You said int rates wouldn't increase til 2024." #philiplowe BL covers mouth lowers head feels humiliation.
McKim "Can you explain to renters & mortgage holders why you deserve to keep your job?"
#Lowe I have a 7yr term there are 9 board members not just me." Reluctance to take sole responsibility.
#mckim #lowe #bullock #NickMcKim #philiplowe