#SiskiyouCountyOES: "Siskiyou County OES has issued an evacuation warning for areas near the McKinney Fire burn scar.
1010, 1013, 1120, 1123, 3401, 3502, & 3505
Heavy rains are forcasted to hit this area. A high probability debris flows and flooding exist." #McKinneyFire #Evacuation #Flooding #DebrisFlow https://www.onsolve360.com/T/1/3657933
#siskiyoucountyoes #mckinneyfire #evacuation #flooding #debrisflow
RT @Brett_Taylor94
Here’s some exclusive video, that I just received from a source who wished to be “unnamed”, of what firefighters near the #McKinneyFire were having to deal with yesterday with all the debris flows from rain 🤯🤯. #weather #Rain
In today's video we take a look at the Mckinney Fire🔥, northern Californi using satellites such as #Sentinel2 🛰️#Sentinel3 #GOES17 🛰️ and MODIS #mcKinneyfire #youstormfire https://youtu.be/MF1egIz2DX0
#sentinel2 #sentinel3 #goes17 #mckinneyfire #YouStormFire