My med-mastodon #introduction. I’m a #nephrologist at #McMasterU in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I also have provincial roles in multidisciplinary #CKD care and #indigenous #kidney health where my clinical and knowledge generation interests also lie. Views are my own. I live and work upon the traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississaugas.
#introduction #Nephrologist #mcmasteru #CKD #indigenous #kidney
A masterful online lecture on the origins of the #PeriodicTable by #UCLA Professor #EricScerri just wrapped up at The Origins Institute at #McMasterU.
If you are interested in the history and philosophy of #chemistry and #physics, check it out on #YouTube 👉
#periodictable #ucla #ericscerri #mcmasteru #chemistry #physics #youtube #leftstepperiodictable
This is what you should know: electric and hybrid cars will not save the world if we do not change our deeply ingrained habits of substituting high #mobility for poor #accessibility.
Transitioning to #electric #bicycles, electric #transit, and high accessibility development patterns is where we should be putting our money. But that would require social science research and alas that is not where the money is.
#transit #bicycles #electric #cities #transportation #mcmasteru #accessibility #mobility
It's taken me a while to figure out how to write an #Introduction. Here goes:
I’d appreciate a boost to help meet like-minded here.
I’m a professor of medicine at McMaster University #MacDeptMed, #McMasterU
Clinically, I work as a #KidneyDoctor (#Nephrology)
I’m an associate member of #HEI (#Epidemiology) at #McMasterU
I’m a member of the Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials (#PPE, #N95, #CEPEM) at #McMasterU
My #ClinicalResearch is in #KidneyDisease #KidneyEpi (#CKD, #Potassium, #CKDProgression) and #Masks
I’m editor-in-chief of #CJKHD (@CanJKHD on the birdsite, not here yet) an #OpenAccess kidney journal with #PublishingPolicy:
#SupportiveReview (#Kindness, #KidneyKindness)
#PortableReview (was your hard work rejected by a journal with IF>=4? Submit clean, redline, point-by-point response-to-reviews, and tell us which journal and undertake that you responded to all reviews received)
I’m editor-in-chief of which curates evidence on #BetterMasks and #MasksWork
For the pandemic, we need #SystemsApproaches because #CovidIsAirborne and #CovidIsNotOver. #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid
I’d like to see #KidneyVerse as the tag to find others with interest in #KidneyHealth and #KidneyDisease. #AskKidney #AskRenal
Also trying to be #LGBTQ #LGBTQ2 ally, working on #EDI #equity #diversity #inclusion, interested in #SocialJustice #UrbanPlanning.
Treaty 3|Dish with One Spoon, Turtle Island; Hamilton ON Canada. She/her
#MacDeptMed #KidneyDoctor #Nephrology #HEI #epidemiology #ppe #n95 #CEPEM #clinicalresearch #KidneyEpi #potassium #CKDProgression #KidneyKindness #PortableReview #CovidIsNotOver #DoAllTheThings #ventilation #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskUp #maskmandate #CovidLong #LongCovid #AskKidney #AskRenal #edi #introduction #mcmasteru #kidneydisease #Ckd #masks #CJKHD #openaccess #PublishingPolicy #SupportiveReview #kindness #BetterMasks #MasksWork #SystemsApproaches #COVIDisAirborne #filtration #paidsickdays #lgbtq #diversity #socialjustice #MaskeAuf #maskmandatenow #KidneyVerse #kidneyhealth #lgbtq2 #equity #inclusion #urbanplanning
On Dec 8th at noon EST I'll be interviewing @DrBrianGoldman from CBC's #WhiteCoat/BlackArt. We'll be talking about how #caregivers can be part teams in hospitals & homecare. Free but you have to register #ThePowerOfTeamwork #CaregivingEssentials #McMasterU
#whitecoat #caregivers #thepowerofteamwork #caregivingessentials #mcmasteru