blavaan 0.5-1 is now on CRAN, including initial functionality for two-level structural equation models. Estimation happens via #mcmc_stan
If you don't know these models, they are multivariate Gaussian models with three levels (e.g., multiple response variables within people within schools).
Some further info is here:
New version of cmdstanr exposes Stan functions and allows you to directly unconstrain parameters (super useful for seeing parameters as the sampler sees them)! A huge win!
#rstats #bayes #mcmc_stan #cmdstanr #Stan
Getting started here. Expect me to talk about #stats, #bayes, #brms, #mcmc_stan, #probprag, #emacs, #cogsci, #cogmod, #pragmatics and more.
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Here you can list your work on #mcmc_stan, #pymc, and #ArviZ as cool hobbies 🤣