Project of the day (day 4) 2023, Saturday, August 26th
MCPYE is my first #GitHub repository, but it isn't my first open source project. It is an #OpenSource recreation of #Minecraft with additional support for similar games like #Growtopia (via SeedGrowMode)
MCPYE stands for MineCraft PYthon Edition, however, this acronym may change in the future. As the name suggests, it is written mostly in #Python, but also is written in a custom variant of #mcFunction (known as MCPYE Command Language, which blends mcFunction for Minecraft #Java and #Bedrock editions, along with a new #custom variant)
The #game is not yet functional, but some of the program files can be accessed in CLI mode. It is far from complete. It will be a #GUI program in the future.
The game is designed to have as many blocks, and other entities as possible. It currently has about 2000 blocks and entities, but will grow to include substantially more.
#mcpye #github #opensource #minecraft #growtopia #python #mcfunction #java #Bedrock #custom #game #gui