Reading the page on fully, I see it's also going to check that for me and then email when it's done. So, it seems I'm done already.
"So, there is nothing else you need to do but wait for the installation confirmation email."
(Don't worry @Floppy, I'm staying here, but #MCQN_Ltd will finally have its own instance)
Now the parade is done, @huffee had time to write up what we've been busy with the past few weeks here at #MCQN_Ltd in our (three-weeks) #weeknotes.
Weeks 889-891: More Bikes got LED
Dusting off my plans to set up an instance for #MCQN_Ltd as I think businesses/organisations should live on their own domain.
Is still the go-to option for managed instance hosting? Any others I should consider?
Catching up with the past month of activity at #MCQN_Ltd. It isn't *just* colourful sculptures... Weeks 877-880 - Choose Your Own Colour By Text Adventure #weeknotes
I had a trip to Liverpool Cathedral yesterday to check out @huffee's work for #MCQN_Ltd to let you change the colour of Peter Walker's Connection sculpture by sending a text message #weeknotes #ibal241
@Floppy @mdales we use it internally at #MCQN_Ltd for the sort of stuff everyone else uses Slack for. That means I've got an account as but that's not very useful for recommendations.
From a quick look through the channel for the Precursor, itself seems the most common public option
Last week's goings-on at #MCQN_Ltd: Week 875 - Brainboxes #weeknotes
Another fortnight issue of the #MCQN_Ltd #weeknotes: Weeks 873 - 874 Makefest!
[Sound on]
A quick #NodeRED flow to check the website and then trigger a #MCQN_Ltd #AckersBell over #MQTT to alert the #DoESLiverpool office when the Prime Minister has resigned
#nodered #mcqn_ltd #AckersBell #mqtt #doesliverpool #weeknotes #ibal169
It's almost the summer solstice, so naturally thoughts in the #MCQN_Ltd studio turn to doing cool things with LEDs over winter... #weeknotes #plotting
#mcqn_ltd #weeknotes #plotting
In this week's #MCQN_Ltd #weeknotes @huffee shares some of the #CAM tools he's been using to turn pictures into machined shapes: Weeks 870 - Generating toolpaths for milling circuit boards
Got the first chance to try out my Sensepeek hands-free probes today. Super nice to use.
(photo staged with an #MCQN_Ltd board as I can't share photos of the client PCB I was actually using them with 😃)
More Ackers Bell developments and a visit to a beautiful church. The latest #MCQN_Ltd #weeknotes: Week 869 - New Week, New CNC Software
This week's #MCQN_Ltd #weeknotes, with some product planning: Week 868 - Yet more Ackers Bell
The latest #MCQN_Ltd #weeknotes: Week 867 - Complete Ackers Bell Prototype
The new wind/solar charger PCBs have arrived at #MCQN_Ltd. Looking forward to trying these out (once all the components turn up) #ibal233 #weeknotes
Chargers; CNC choreography; and community tech. The latest fortnight-notes from #MCQN_Ltd
Seems from the discussion on my poll - - that is the way to go with the #MCQN_Ltd mastodon instance.
(Although I'm a bit disappointed I didn't think of until @nicol suggested it, then it could've been in the initial poll! I think social... still wins out, but that's a fun second choice)
As part of my long-standing moving over here from birdsite (and elsewhere), I'm working out how #MCQN_Ltd can have a presence here.
I'm (reasonably) convinced that all the company's accounts should live on its own instance, much as we would with email (with one eye towards setting conventions to make it easier for folk to avoid commercial instances)
But I'm not sure what sub-domain to use. Feels to me like the federation is the more important bit to emphasise, BICBW.
What does you think?
While we wait for me to write up the next edition, here's a belated link to last week's #MCQN_Ltd #weeknotes: Week 864 - Breaking Frames