What's For Dinner?
McDonald's Mcrib 1981 AD
#McDonalds #advertisement #retro #vintage #nostalga #fastfood #pork #food #McRib
#mcdonalds #advertisement #retro #vintage #nostalga #fastfood #pork #food #mcrib
I will vote for what ever presidential candidate promises to bring back the #McRib !
Shawn versus the McRib
I don't often write about something as mundane as fast food. However, the McRib is, to some, more than just typical fast food.
For various reasons I have more or less just let the McRib advertising and fanaticism fly over my head every time it's come around. I never bought and ate one, figuring I wasn't missing much. For that matter I...
#fast-food #mcdonalds #mcrib #mexican-pizza #shamrock-shake #taco-bell
#fast #mcdonalds #mcrib #mexican #shamrock #taco
There is a McRib-shaped vacuum in the heart of everyone that cannot be filled by ordinary fast food.
There is a McRib-shaped vacuum in the heart of everyone that cannot be filled by ordinary fast food.
I think Dog the bounty hunter should get a three deal movie for the next batman. He shows up with his boys in plastic dollar tree badges lol. Airsoft,paintball and pepper gun hard scoped on awkward door ways and halls. Then he gets his person gives them a cigarette and off to Bible study aka jail. #everyone #dogthebountyhunter #mcrib #delta8
#everyone #dogthebountyhunter #mcrib #delta8
Dear McRib fairy, why’d you have to disappear? lol
RT @MovieguysCraig@twitter.com
Farewell old friend. Until we meet again...
@TheRealEbert Should I even ask what may be in a #McRib? If I knew I may never want to eat one. Oh yes, I forgot. You can't get this delectable treat in Canada anyway.
I had a #mcrib yesterday for lunch. I am not ashamed. They are deliciously nasty.
#McRib must be leaving us soon. Mine came with a hamburger bun today. So much loss going on this week.
W00t, I had a #McRib meal for lunch (yes, I like these). I didn't realize they are back (for) now. Nice lunch for my lazy day off. :blobaww:
Documented what could be the last #McRib I may ever have. https://youtu.be/Rw-y0U7LaHQ