This is genuinely the only article on #ai that I want to hear outta your damn mouth right now, internet. Thanks, #mcsweenys
If any of you are curious about how a university is actually run, this classic essay may help illuminate the issues:
#administration #mcsweenys #Universities
Son, It’s Time You Learned About Sex by Discussing David Bowie’s Huge Bulge in Labyrinth - McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
#mcsweenys #labyrinth #davidbowie #hugebulge
Even If Trump Goes to Prison, We Will Remain Steadfast in Our Plans to Completely Fuck Shit Up
- McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
An excerpt from Wendi Aarons' latest book is up at McSweeny's now, and it's hilarious.
"In my tunic, you can’t see any of the middle part of my middle-aged body. I’m shrouded in mystery. I’m a stylish enigma. I’m a greying fortune cookie with a fortune inside it that says, “Fuck you, I was in shape in the eighties.”"
#humor #mcsweenys #wendiaarons #tunics