Another reason, if any more are necessary, why it’s crucial to #StopStarmer!
“The Return of Tony #Blair: The former British prime minister, who left Downing Street widely unpopular, is back in favor with his party, #Labour, which hopes his political skills can be an advantage as an election nears”
“Mr. Blair, now 70, is graying, thinner and his face a little more gaunt than when he left Downing Street in 2007. But he still effortlessly held the stage as he told the audience that Britain would be in safe hands if Mr. Starmer won the next election.
‘It was like the apostolic succession was being declared,’ said John #McTernan 🤮 a political strategist and onetime aide to Mr. Blair, who added that ‘the chemistry between the two guys made you think they talk a lot and they understand each other.’”
via @NewYorkTimes
#TonyBlair #Iraq #WarCriminal #Austerity #ClassWar #NHSPrivatisation #Starmer #KidStarver #Zionism #Apartheid #LabourRacism #LabourLies #LabourStinks #ItWasAScam
#stopstarmer #blair #labour #mcternan #tonyblair #iraq #warcriminal #austerity #classwar #nhsprivatisation #starmer #kidstarver #zionism #apartheid #labourracism #labourlies #labourstinks #ItWasAScam
I agree. #McTernan makes the same point very well - as does #AlistairCampbell who appears to have joined the #McTernan camp! This lot look a lot more like a second or even third rate tribute act to New Labour!
And even better news on this today. #johnMcTernan has written an article effectively telling #keirstarmer that he needs to define #labour more clearly. #McTernan matters because he cannot be dismissed easily as one of the "usual suspects" as say I might be. He was part of the original #blair team. He is calling now for an explicit embrace of #Bidenomics and the consequent repudiation of "neoliberalism" . Which is consistent also with staying at least as #green as #labour still is.
#johnmcternan #keirstarmer #labour #mcternan #blair #bidenomics #green