#mdBook has a test subcommand, which tests #rustlang code snippets in the markdown files https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/cli/test.html
So, started writing something with #mdbook, and yay, it is really easy. Took my #tm (https://github.com/Ganneff/tm) tool for it, so it gains some documentation, which can be useful. For those few users, it has. Current version (initial, still needs lots of text added) at https://ganneff.github.io/tmbook/
Apparently there's no source repository / plugin for handling frontmatter in #mdbook ? I'm needing this as to be able to be able to improve the link previews for the @iftas RFCs site: https://iftas-org.github.io/rfcs/
I did find https://github.com/extratone/mdzk/tree/main/preprocessors/mdbook-frontmatter but it's not really a package to depend on / maintained.
@Yahiko je cherchais aussi à un moment et c'est #bookstack https://www.bookstackapp.com/ qui gagne chez moi 😊 j'ai pas encore trop poussé de page
Par conte je crois qu'il faut une bdd avec
Autrement j'avais testé #mdbook https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/
C'est pas mal, codé en rust. C'est équivalent à #mkdocs
Mathieu David released #mdBook version 0.4.32. https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/
Another blog post (perhaps I might do this daily?)
This time about Hashicorp vault and docker-compose secret management.
Also had to update the blogging tool as bashblog didn't support code blocks so I'm using mdbook
#vault #hashicorp #docker #dockercompose #blog #tildeclub #mdbook
#vault #hashicorp #docker #dockercompose #blog #tildeclub #mdbook
Mathieu David released #mdBook version 0.4.31. https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/
Mathieu David released #mdBook version 0.4.30. https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/
Mathieu David released #mdBook version 0.4.29. https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/
Comparatif fonctionnel #MédiaWiki #mdbook :
@janriemer I thought it looked nice too but who only wants to go to pdf these days?
Most writers don't need maths equations but we do need html, pdf, epub, mobi.
Looking at it I'm thinking a relatively simple transformation from mdBook plus the formating template becomes a nice way to get high quality #pdf from #mdBook and #PanDoc
#mdBook : comment choisir le sous-thème par défaut de notre site Web mdBook ?
La dernière mouture du Bloc-notes #mdBook (outil de documentation #Rust) vous attend :
@rust_discussions seems that this might be of interest to #mdBook and #pandoc users. Might be a way to have simpler control of #pdf formatting
Unless needing complex maths formatting it seems to me that keeping the source in #Markdown gives more render options, particularly html.
#mdbook #pandoc #pdf #markdown
Et hop, nouvelle page !
« #mdBook : serve : visualiser nos modifications en continu »
(mais vous ne la verrez que lorsque j'aurai pris le temps de charger une version plus récente du site)
Et hop, nouvelle page !
#mdBook : serve : visualiser nos modifications en continu
(mais vous ne la verrez que lorsque j'aurai pris le temps de charger une version plus récente du site)
Le projet avance et je termine ce que je voulais juste à l'heure prévue pour aller faire un tour avec #Orion 🐕️💫. 👍️
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