Wie finde ich raus ob mein #Wechselrichter ein #Relais hat? Ganz einfach: Abhören!
Und zwar mit der Trichter-förmigen Seite des Stethoskops. Die eignet sich zum Abhören von tiefen Frequenzen. Über Smarthome die Steckdose ausschalten (Cave: klacken laut!) und hören.
Zu den Röntgen Bildern: https://balkon.solar/news/2023/08/12/roentgenblick-in-den-wechselrichter/
#wechselrichter #relais #relaisgate #stethoskop #mdf #Hoymiles
I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate MDF I hate #mdf
Canadian Letter: 20 Tech stocks with Buy-equivalent ratings from National Bank https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/04/20-tech-stocks-with-buy-equivalent-ratings-from-national-bank/ #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #gib.a #alya #cplf #dcbo #dtol #einc #fdge #lspd #nvei #otex #qfor #real #sftc #shop #thnc #tixt #aif #bln #csu #cts #cvo #kxs #mdf #pvt #tcs
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #gib #alya #cplf #dcbo #dtol #einc #fdge #lspd #nvei #otex #qfor #real #sftc #shop #thnc #tixt #aif #bln #csu #cts #cvo #kxs #mdf #pvt #tcs
RT @damiendouani
Tendances du Dev en France : technos, métiers, enjeux...
J'animerai un Twitter Space exceptionnel le 9 mars 2023 en direct du @MasterDevFrance avec @MathisHammel et le soutien de @SocieteGenerale.
Pour ne pas oublier, mets toi un rappel 👇 #MDF
Canadian Letter: It’s still a pass on mdf commerce, says National Bank https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/02/its-still-a-pass-on-mdf-commerce-says-national-bank/ #canada #tech #Technology #eCommerce #Allposts #Analysts #mdf
#Canada #Tech #technology #ecommerce #Allposts #Analysts #mdf
Canadian Letter: MDF Commerce’s profitability looks better, says Laurentian https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/02/mdf-commerces-profitability-looks-better-says-laurentian/ #canada #tech #Technology #eCommerce #Allposts #Analysts #mdf
#Canada #Tech #technology #ecommerce #Allposts #Analysts #mdf
Abat-jour en demi-dôme géodésique : les hexa. et pentagones sont montés.
#découpelaser #mdf #travaildubois #diy #lampe
#decoupelaser #mdf #travaildubois #diy #lampe
Greatest fest of all time. #mdf #blackmetal #deathmetal #grindcore
#mdf #blackmetal #deathmetal #grindcore
Bummed there is no #MarylandDeathfest in 2023. Will have to relive #MDF 2022 in the meantime until 2024. #Birdflesh #Grind #grindcore #metal #extrememetal
#marylanddeathfest #mdf #birdflesh #grind #grindcore #metal #extrememetal
@Shivablue a quanto pare ci sono pure i tristemente famosi #MDF che non potendo scrivere in dm qui ti cercano su twitter. La deriva dei cretini.
Die klassische #MDF-Platte wird mit gesundheitsschädlichem industriellem Kleber zusammengehalten, der #Recycling verhindert.
Sofia #Souidi hat #Superwood als neue umwelt- und gesundheitsfreundliche Variante entwickelt. Die Lösung für #WohnenDerZukunft? (Futurium)
#superwood #dasneueuniversum
via http://fediverse.science
#mdf #recycling #souidi #superwood #wohnenderzukunft #dasneueuniversum
Help me identify this #SheetGood?
My #cabinet shelf slides are backed by an approximately 3 inch wide run of *something*. It's not 3/4 #plywood; I have that. It's not 1/2 #MDF; that's a little too thick (but not a lot). So what is it? I don't want to keep buying project panels that are almost right. (I'm trying to add reinforcement that's the same thickness.)
#diy #imperialunits #us #homeimprovement
#sheetgood #cabinet #plywood #mdf #diy #imperialunits #us #homeimprovement
Never got around to posting this one! It's of the river Lugg on its way through Hampton Bishop.
Bob Ross oil paint on MDF. Roughly 30cm²
#art #mdf #herefordshire #oilpainting #artistsofmastodon
Wooden You Like to Hear a CNC-Cut Phonograph Record?
#classichacks #phonograph #victrola #g-code #groove #sample #spiral #wood #cnc #mdf
#classichacks #phonograph #victrola #g #groove #sample #spiral #wood #cnc #mdf
Iuventa. La procura accusa di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina https://radioblackout.org/2021/04/iuventa-la-procura-accusa-di-favoreggiamento-dellimmigrazione-clandestina/ #favoreggiamentodell'immigrazioneclandestina #L'informazionediBlackout #procuraditrapani #Savethechildren #jugendrettet #iuventa #minniti #mdf #ong
#ong #mdf #minniti #iuventa #jugendrettet #savethechildren #ProcuraDiTrapani #l #favoreggiamentodell
Iuventa. La procura accusa di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina https://radioblackout.org/2021/04/iuventa-la-procura-accusa-di-favoreggiamento-dellimmigrazione-clandestina/ #favoreggiamentodell'immigrazioneclandestina #L'informazionediBlackout #procuraditrapani #Savethechildren #jugendrettet #iuventa #minniti #mdf #ong
#ong #mdf #minniti #iuventa #jugendrettet #savethechildren #ProcuraDiTrapani #l #favoreggiamentodell
#madeira #o #portugal #madeiraisland #arquitetura #marcenaria #visitmadeira #design #funchal #decoracao #artesanato #casa #ilhadamadeira #madeiralovers #moveisplanejados #designdeinteriores #arte #nature #mdf #interiores #travel #ilovemadeira #bhfyp
#bhfyp #ilovemadeira #Travel #interiores #mdf #Nature #Arte #designdeinteriores #moveisplanejados #madeiralovers #ilhadamadeira #casa #artesanato #decoracao #funchal #Design #visitmadeira #marcenaria #arquitetura #madeiraisland #portugal #o #madeira