I somehow earned straight As for the Spring 2023 term: Two As at United Theological, and an A+ for the class I audited at Cherry Hill. That means I have actually maintained my 4.0 average through 11 terms of graduate school!
Image for this post shows a screenshot of my unofficial United transcript and a screenshot of my final grade at CHS.
#ReportCard #Grades #GraduateSchool #GradSchool #MDiv #Interreligious #Chaplaincy #TR2009 #IC5001 #P6301
#p6301 #ic5001 #tr2009 #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool #graduateschool #grades #reportcard
My Spring 2023 term is now truly over. I submitted my Theological Reflection Essay, and I attended my final class session, for P6301 Trauma Informed Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy at Cherry Hill Seminary!
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #interreligious #chaplaincy #writing #finals #papers #Spring2023
#Spring2023 #papers #finals #writing #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool #homework
I want to submit my final paper for IC5001, Advanced Topics in Interreligious Practice. But when I access the Assignment page, I see the grading criteria and a message: "This assignment is part of an unpublished module and is not available yet."
There is no option for uploading a paper.
Oh well. I emailed the instructor. The due date is Sunday.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #Interreligious #Chaplaincy #Spring2023 #writing #finals
#finals #writing #Spring2023 #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool #homework
I have submitted my final exam and my final paper for TR2009, Eco-Theologies and Eco-Spiritualities.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #Interreligious #Chaplaincy #Spring2023 #writing #finals
#finals #writing #Spring2023 #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool #homework
Well, I think I've finally finished transforming a case study into my final paper for TR2009, Eco-Theologies and Eco-Spiritualities.
Just in time to do that class' final exam, which is also due on Friday, 4/14.
But now ... to bed.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #Interreligious #Chaplaincy #Spring2023 #writing
#writing #Spring2023 #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool #homework
My final paper for TR2009, Eco-Theologies and Eco-Spiritualities, opens with a dire quote from "Space: 1999" and ends with a cautiously optimistic quote from "Doctor Who."
Because that's how a pop-culture chaplain rolls in academia.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #Interreligious #Chaplaincy #Spring2023 #writing
#writing #Spring2023 #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool #homework
Yesterday, I had to run errands. The longest drive was to return, and pick up, Mad Science kits. So, used an app to read aloud assigned PDFs while I drove. But the app didn't save my bookmarks. And now I have to go through those files *again* to find what I thought were the important parts for class. Sigh.
#seminarylife #readings #mdiv #gradschool #homework
That feeling when ... the power cycles off and on several times, and you're trying to submit a midterm exam.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #Interreligious #Chaplaincy #EcoTheologies #Midterm #Exam
#exam #midterm #ecotheologies #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool #homework
Assignment: Finish reading the book before class next Monday.
Me: *finds and downloads recordings of the author speaking on their book's topic; listens to recordings while walking outside*
#reading #mdiv #gradschool #homework
Required texts for Spring Term 2023 (#GradSchool #MDiv #Interreligious #Chaplaincy #Homework #books).
#books #homework #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool
Settling in for the first day of the Spring 2023 term of grad school! #GradSchool #MDiv #interreligious #chaplaincy #spring2023
#Spring2023 #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool
Now that it's 2023, when I tell people I'm graduating in 2024 (Lord willing), it seems WAY TOO REAL.
Stick a fork in the Fall 2022 term because I submitted my Capstone Seminar paper. I am SO DONE.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #FinalsWeek #Over #Done
#done #over #finalsweek #mdiv #gradschool #homework
Just took the red pen to my Capstone paper. After some lunch and more coffee, I'll wrap up final edits and submit it, thereby completing the Fall 2022 term.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #FinalsWeek #Capstone #editing
#editing #capstone #finalsweek #mdiv #gradschool #homework
This Capstone paper is due tomorrow, so of course I feel a migraine coming on.
#finalsweekcontinues #mdiv #gradschool #homework
Wore my Julbock tie for the final HT334 class today, December 7. #GradSchool #MDiv #interreligious #chaplaincy #HT334 #Julbock #tie #holiday #selfie #me
#me #selfie #holiday #tie #Julbock #ht334 #chaplaincy #InterReligious #mdiv #gradschool
And ... I submitted my final case study for HT334 (Trauma-Informed Theology and Care in a Violent World). Just under an hour to spare! Now, I must attend the final class session.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #FinalsWeek #deadlines
#deadlines #finalsweek #mdiv #gradschool #homework
Time to bring this paper for HT334 (Trauma-Informed Theology and Care in a Violent World) to a close. I've got about three hours until it's due.
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #FinalsWeek #deadlines
#deadlines #finalsweek #mdiv #gradschool #homework
- “The Testament of Arkadia” (an episode of Space: 1999)
- _Earth Spirit: The Circle of Life Is Broken_ (by Brendan Myers)
- _Celebrating Planet Earth, a Pagan/Christian Conversation: First Steps in Interfaith Dialogue_ (edited by Denise Cush)
- _God Is Dead, Long Live the Gods: A Case for Polytheism_ (by Gus Dizerega)
- _The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative_ (by Florence Williams)
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #FinalsWeek
#finalsweek #mdiv #gradschool #homework
I'm maybe more than halfway through writing my final case study for HT334 (Trauma-Informed Theology and Care in a Violent World) about hope and healing in the climate crisis. Maybe?
#homework #GradSchool #MDiv #FinalsWeek
#finalsweek #mdiv #gradschool #homework