I'm going to TPAC this year. YAY.
If you're going too, know that, with my @openwebdocs and #MDN friends, we're proposing a breakout session about the process of writing technical docs for new web features, and how to successfully collaborate with technical writers ✍️
Learn more: https://github.com/w3c/tpac2023-breakouts/issues/57
Hoping to see some of you there!
個人的なプロジェクトで汎用的なレイアウト用の #CSS クラス命名する時に Flex な要素の並びの方向に関して #MDN 参考に Main Axis と Cross Axis って言う言い方を採用してて、これ表現として具体的なのはいいんだけどあんまり一般的に聞かない気がして、今なら Inline と Block でも良いのかなぁ、padding-inline とかあるし、と思ったけど、Block ってちょっと単語として意味がでかすぎる気もして、だったら axis-block とかにする?いやだったら元の axis-cross のほうがわかりやすいか、ってなってた今。
いずれにしても CSS プロパティからのクラス命名はしたくないんだよなあ…
Just a few days until the pupils return, and the academic year starts over. Working to finally move over to MDN as the main source material for the web development beginners. Looking forward to it!
#mdn #gbgftw #education #webdev #gymnasiet #utbildning #sverige
#mdn #gbgftw #education #webdev #gymnasiet #utbildning #sverige
Announcing the MDN front-end developer curriculum | MDN Blog - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/blog/announcing-mdn-front-end-developer-curriculum/
Was thinking about why #Mozilla is ruining #MDN with an "AI" "Help" "feature" and it dawned on me to follow the money.
1. Microsoft (has an AI product)
2. Google (has an AI product)
3. Facebook (has an AI product)
4. Facebook again (??)
Could be a coincidence, but the thing is powered by OpenAI, which has a partnership with Microsoft, which is MDN's top donor. There is, at minimum, a conflict of interest here.
So we're at step 2 of the #Enshittification process.
#mozilla #mdn #enshittification
the #MDN #AI debacle continues. Apparently correctness is not what they are aiming for, and cannot be measured(!) It's really hard to know how to even engage with this level of thinking
One thing about the #mdn controversy is that contrary to what too online people say, credibility is really hard to lose.
Ray Kurzweil hasn’t been right for at least 25 years, Marc Andreessen is still a genius investor and every “disruptive plan” of Elon Musk is still being taken at face value by media.
It’s literally impossible to lose credibility when you’re famous enough.
I love the #MDN "AI help is bad" issue. It's still going on.
Countless, countless people trying to appeal with logic and sound arguments to Mozilla's staff to tell them *this is a horrifically bad idea*.
The problem is, you can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
How did #Mozilla get into this position? Fucked up governance, probably hired an AI techbro or something, sunk cost fallacy.
I feel sorry for the people even trying to save it at this point.
Apart from anything else, #MDN releasing 2 similar but apparently separate projects called AI Help and AI Explain is poor design
The good thing about the #Mozilla #MDN situation is that soon the search result positions of #W3Schools will actually reflect reality.
#mozilla #mdn #w3schools #positivethinking #bothsides
So #MDN doubled down on the use of #ai and the community is continuing to point out the very obvious problems. Really sad what's happened to Mozilla
#MDN #AI #Mozilla : le "post-mortem" de l'équipe MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/blog/ai-explain-postmortem/ en attendant
Pas d'accord avec tout, mais les efforts vers la transparence vont a priori dans le bon sens.
Pour ce qui est du "on a des exemples ptet un peu pourris donc on va les AI-liéner plutôt que de demander à des gens dont c'est le taf de les améliorer", on repassera (à ce tarif, autant demander à OpenAI de les noter et les améliorer à la main ensuite, y a eu des chantiers plus titanesques sur MDN).
Ok, I've heard about #mdn "ai help" bullshit, but now I realized it requires "mdn plus" to use. I'm a little sad.
Commence à y avoir pas mal de question pour #Mozilla sur le sujet #MDN avec son AI : https://github.com/orgs/mdn/discussions/categories/community-calls
Seeing the #enshittification of the #Mozilla #MDNWebDocs has taken a heavy toll on my mental health. Not even #MDN is safe from what now looks like a full-blown collapse of the tech industry.
Not to mention that if Mozilla falls, the only truly good web browser, #Firefox, will be gone. There will be no way to block ads and malware online.
#enshittification #mozilla #mdnwebdocs #mdn #firefox
Le petit scandale dans la doc (AI et LLM inclus)
#opensource #documentation #mdn
@ronaldb66 The easiest introduction is just reading the posts under the #mdn hashtag.
TLDR they added an actively harmful AI explain feature and a mostly unhelpful AI help feature.
Reminder that W3 schools still has their infamous O(n^3) sorting algorithm up:
#mdn may be headed in the wrong direction but at least it's not as bad as w3schools yet.