We follow a “release early, release often” policy, so we welcome your feedback and suggestions on how to improve our dataset. Please feel free to leave a comment on PubPeer https://pubpeer.com/publications/25353AAFD4FC52E2BEC8C7AD08B259# or contact us directly. We hope you find our dataset useful for your research and applications. Thank you for your interest and support! #dataset #mdpi #peerreview #openaccess #research 3/3
#dataset #mdpi #peerreview #openaccess #research
A scientometric analysis of Ukrainian papers in MDPI journals 2019–2022 – as you can see in the figure, in 2019 we had colourful patchwork from all over Europe, and in 2022 we have only Poland:
📄 https://doi.org/10.3390/publications11030042
There are questions about the methodology + this is only #MDPI data = perhaps Ukrainians simply decided that it was better to donate to the Armed Forces than to spend Swiss francs on a publication in Sustainability 😉
Time to read academic papers is limited and I just won't bother with anything from #MDPI anymore.
By now, I'm mostly convinced that if people have something substantive to communicate, they'll choose a different platform for their manuscripts.
Interesting paper from #MDPI about “Mapping with #ChatGPT” concludes it delivers unique advantages, such as:
- lowering the barrier to producing maps
- boosting the efficiency of massive map production
- and understanding geographical space with its spatial thinking capability.
Limitations cited are:
- its unequal benefits for different users (need to have some expertise already)
- and necessary user intervention for quality control.
cc: @openstreetmap
"Le #CNRS et probablement les autres institutions étranglés par les frais de traitement des articles (APC)"
#MDPI #frontiers #OpenScience #scienceouverte
#cnrs #mdpi #frontiers #openscience #scienceouverte
There's a lot of discourse about #PredatoryJournals or proto-predatory publishers like #MDPI, #Frontiers, #BMC, etc. This often devolves into "Well the big publishers (#Springer #Elsevier etc.) are just as bad!" Am I the only one who prefers publishing in society journals? Maybe it's me being a bad P.I., but I would rather my team's papers be evaluated and read by people in our scientific communities.
#predatoryjournals #frontiers #bmc #springer #elsevier #mdpi
Nothing new under the sun, but it is always interesting to see how deep the rabbit hole goes....
#publishorperish #mdpi #pyramidscheme #metrics #impactfactor
#publishorperish #mdpi #metrics #pyramidscheme #impactfactor
In this article (in French), CNRS' Deputy CEO for Science warns against the increasing amounts paid for Article Processing Charges (APCs).
*Mutatis mutandis*, we would spend more under a full OA system than we did under the previous subscription-based one.
And (shockingly), MDPI is the second publisher in terms of amounts spent (Springer-Nature being first, notably thanks to *Sci Rep* and *Nat Comms*).
#scientificpublishing #openaccess #oa #apc #mdpi
“The MDPI publishing house has created a new business model. Its periodicals invite scientists — even the most mediocre ones — to be editors of a multitude of special issues, turning researchers into their commercial agents (who aren’t paid). A guest editor will subsequently offer their colleagues to publish studies in said journal, as long as they pay the $2,500 or so in publication expenses. In return for this networking, the guest editor will be able to publish one or more free articles in the special issue.”
That’s Frontiers business model too. And just as suspect.
Appalling to see so many Spaniards falling for these paper mills, to the point that:
“Some universities focus on getting their studies published in MDPI journals, such as the Catholic University of Ávila (71%), Alfonso X el Sabio University (42%), the University of Extremadura (30%) and the Catholic University of Murcia (27%). At the most prestigious university in Spain — the Complutense University of Madrid — the percentage exceeds 12%.”
#mdpi #frontiers #scientificpublishing #academia
This is a long read, and a fascinating article exposing Spanish academics that have published an unfeasible number of papers each year. As in, a paper evey couple of days.
A researcher who publishes a study every two days reveals the darker side of science
#AcademicEthics #academia #science #research #publication #academicpublishing #papermills #MDPI
#academicethics #academia #science #research #publication #academicpublishing #papermills #mdpi
#MDPI is under observation at TIB Hannover, only 500 instead of 700 € are reimbursed from the #OA fund, https://tib.eu/de/publizieren-archivieren/open-access-finanzieren/publikationsfonds-leibniz-universitaet
in Munich (TU) no MDPI articles from medicine are funded, https://ub.tum.de/publikationsfonds
similar seems possible in Kassel: https://blog.ub.uni-kassel.de/blog/2023/05/08/integer-oder-raubverlag-ergebnisse-einer-umfrage-zu-mdpi-an-der-uni-kassel/
Stop publishing AND GUEST EDITING at #MDPI and #Hindawi journals. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
"Fast-growing open-access journals stripped of coveted impact factors:
Web of Science delists some 50 journals, including one of the world’s largest"
🎉 "Ramsauer & Marzahn present a global, hourly #SoilMoisture estimation based on #NASA's #GPM IMERG data and using a site-specific adjusted antecedent precipitation index (#API)"
🔗 https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2022.2162351
get the pdf here: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/6VHQ7JCCJXSPAMG3PVIG/full?target=10.1080/01431161.2022.2162351
#soil #soils #moisture #global #data #DataSet #gpm #NASA #science #soilgrids #mdpi #remotesensing #satellit #ijrs #LMUMünchen #geography #Geodaten #geodata
#geodata #Geodaten #geography #lmumunchen #ijrs #satellit #remotesensing #mdpi #soilgrids #Science #DataSet #Data #global #moisture #soils #soil #api #gpm #NASA #soilmoisture
So, 2 weeks is too little for a proper review and publishing process, but a paper every 37 hrs is a top-notch practice for #academia and universities? Because I fail to see the kind of criticism of Luque and his kind that emerged lately with the #MDPI... #publishorperish #publishing #predatorypublisher
#academia #mdpi #publishorperish #publishing #predatorypublisher
"This work analyzes the expulsion of 82 journals from Web of Science (03/20/23) [relative to] Spain. IJERPH (MDPI) was expelled. If mega-journals account for XX%, IJERPH has 78.5% of the total."
Q: "It's only 2/82, why the bias on MDPI?"
This is why IJERPH is big news. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#MDPI #ClarivateDrops #Clarivate #PredatoryPublishing #AcademicChatter #Science #Ciencia
#ciencia #science #academicchatter #predatorypublishing #clarivate #clarivatedrops #mdpi
RT @PlieningerLab
Web of Science removes 50 rapidly growing journals (incl. some published by #MDPI and #Hindawi) from its list due to "increasing threats to the integrity of the scholarly record". The beginning of the end of the megajournal publishing model? https://www.science.org/content/article/fast-growing-open-access-journals-stripped-coveted-impact-factors
Web of Science removes 50 rapidly growing journals (incl. some published by #MDPI and #Hindawi) from its list due to "increasing threats to the integrity of the scholarly record". The beginning of the end of the megajournal publishing model? https://www.science.org/content/article/fast-growing-open-access-journals-stripped-coveted-impact-factors
The death of open access mega-journals?
An article covering the problems for some open access journals, including a staggeringly high amount of citations to other articles in the same journal at some MDPI journals. Detected by #AI. So they have been delisted from citation metrics.
#academia #publishing #science #researchethics #research #mdpi #openaccess
#ai #academia #publishing #science #researchethics #research #mdpi #openaccess
Guest Post – Of Special Issues and Journal Purges - The Scholarly Kitchen
This is interesting and food for thought for anyone involved in journal editing, which increasingly make use of special issues to fill their volumes.
#SpecialIssues #WoS #WebofScience #publishing #MDPI #Wiley #Hindawi
#specialissues #wos #webofscience #publishing #mdpi #wiley #hindawi
RT @N_Tomassetti
Hey #MDPI, what’s happening here?
A couple of sentences about diabete, 28 citarions to references about random subjects such as nanoparticles, cloud computing, photons, petroleum… volley!? Wtf? 🥹🤣🤦