There are a couple of folk that I followed that don't seem to have come here. Not going to re-register on Xitter just to check, obviously.
OTOH my blocklist here numbers 8, and only 1 of those is because I don't like what they say, the rest are scammers.
#vanityneversleeps #meaculpa #twexit
So I had a Patch Request fixing our CI at work because an error was persistently showing up, suddenly, out of the blue. No changes in the reported specs failing - they were introduced by me18 days ago.
Let's keep this between us. Don't tell anybody. It's a secret between you, me, my coworkers and the internet.
#meaculpa #ci #development #ruby #rspec
So I had a Patch Request fixing our CI because a error was persistently showing up, suddenly, out of the blue. No changes in the reported specs failing - they were introduced 18 days ago.
Let's keep this between us. Don't tell anybody. It's a secret between you, me, my coworkers and the internet.
Dank voor je reflectie. Ik speur ook wel eens de sites af van de regionale omroepen en zie daar ook vaak regelmatig leuke en positieve verhalen.
Toch overheerst (helaas) het negatieve. Ik ken zelfs mensen die nieuws helemaal (om die reden) aan de kant hebben geschoven.
Ik snap best dat de wereld niet altijd leuk in elkaar zit, maar ik merk wel dat het steeds moeilijker wordt om een positief gesprek te voeren (zonder dat er geklaag aan te pas komt).
C'era un metodo anche nell'analisi del #metodoscientifico riportata da #Nature, che chi ha parlato di #meaculpa della #scienza non ha colto
#metodoscientifico #nature #meaculpa #scienza
Mit 250 Kubik Bikes ist #CadwellPark sogar ganz fahrbar. #Ride4 #PS4 #MeaCulpa
#cadwellpark #ride4 #ps4 #meaculpa
#MeaCulpa I just realized that I was joining in the chorus of disapproval about John Mastodon driving new signups to his flagship mastodon.social server, in very strident terms, despite having made excuses for the matrix folks doing exactly the same thing; driving new sign-ups to the matrix.org homesever in Riot/Element. I guess it just reminds me that nobody is immune from bias, however fair and balanced we're trying to be 🫣
#MeaCulpa I opposed the vaccine mandates. But I did nothing. I saw people having their lives upended, by unjustified dismissals forced by the mandates. But I did nothing. I could have joined the occupation in Parliament Grounds, as some of my friends asked me to do, but I didn't. Because left libertarians like me weren't there, arguing for anti-authoritarian left positions, the racist right were able to recruit and indoctrinate a huge swathe of new activists. We'll be paying for that for years.
RT @Kako_line@twitter.com
Clarification de @MaiaMazaurette@twitter.com sur ce chiffre qui a tant fait tweeter 😊
Un #meaculpa que je partage avec l’article de libé associé ⤵️ https://twitter.com/maiamazaurette/status/1660647075711729670
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Kako_line/status/1660673533855375365
@moniquedx Effectivement, c'est ce que j'ai compris (après coup).
Avec votre accord, je retravaillerai sur votre version PDF pour l'adapter à l'académie de Rennes.
Ici nous utilisons #toutatice (nom de notre ENT) sur lequel on dispose notamment de @CozyCloud .
Effectivement, après quelques discussions avec des collègues, je remarque que la connaissance de ces outils (et donc leur utilisation) est loin d'être démocratisée. 😉
@leodurruti Confesso che ieri, dopo un'ora e mezza di fila al CUP, ho contato 4 sportelli aperti su 8 e ho mugugnato. Per poi dirmi da sola «che brutta fine stai facendo»
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #SonicReducer
Mea Culpa:
🎵 Good Cop/Bad Cop
#nowplaying #SonicReducer #meaculpa
burningboard.net #mastodon instance finally fixed. After a firewall incident, IPv4 wasn´t working and the server had only #IPv6 connectivity for about 3 hours, which caused much of federation to stop working.
Sidekiq queues now have some serious latency. Expect older messages appear on federated Timelines for approx. another hour.
Lesson learned: Better don´t configure firewall rules in #Proxmox UI, if you already have complex manual rules in iptables.
#mastodon #ipv6 #proxmox #mastoadmin #meaculpa
Oh how I wish that McConnell had of had the balls to investigate Trump at that 1st #Impeachment. I just love that we can say first impeachment.
Anyways this minute from that #MeaCulpa #Podcast would be great to have on the congressional record. I don't understand how #FauxNews story angles dominate all of the discourse post-social media, but that's a different discussion.
I just think that this story angle should get a lot more of our focus I suppose.
#fauxnews #Podcast #meaculpa #Impeachment
OK, ok… it turns out ELIZA was not originally written in BASIC. The version I played with as a kid was in BASIC.
So apparently people have been reacting with alarm so much at Substack's new social media-type features, and screaming, "Jesus fucking Christ, don't turn into another goddamned Twitter," the company was forced to address it in their blog today, reassuring their customers that they will always remain a content distribution company devoted to free speech and making it as easy as possible for writers to monetize their work. https://open.substack.com/pub/on/p/2million
#substack #policies #socialmedia #meaculpa
O Google, que tudo sabe, a recordar-me que há 3 anos eu estava na #Rússia. Parece que foi noutra vida. Antes da guerra e antes da pandemia (que estava mesmo a começar, mas não travou ainda a viagem, mas recordo que no regresso o ambiente era já outro na Europa e pouco depois começaram os confinamentos).
O "antes da guerra" é pouco exato, o Donbass sofria-a há anos, mas andávamos todos adormecidos pelos lobbies económicos e caixas de ressonância do Kremlin. #meaculpa 😔
Ik zag een toot en dacht: wacht even, zo kan het ook natuurlijk, you dumb fuck. #JaIkScheldOpMezelf
Niet de lui van de vogel app uitdagen en beschimpen #MeaCulpa maar ze interesssante toots voorschotelen. Lok ze met honing, niet met azijn.
Dus dat wordt mijn missie wanneer ik in de ochtend tijd heb. Toots naar Twitter sturen. Met #Mastodon erbij.
#mastodon #meaculpa #jaikscheldopmezelf