Shaula Evans · @ShaulaEvans
514 followers · 721 posts · Server make hypoallergenic meal replacement drinks that have saved my life more than once.

They have a 25% off sale that ends today (December 2).

They've been really good to me & their customer service is stellar.

If you or someone in your life needs meal replacement drinks / protein drinks / liquid meals, I recommend them highly.

Sharing in the hope this will help someone else out. xo

#mealreplacementdrinks #proteindrinks #liquiddiet #hypoallergenic

Last updated 2 years ago

Shaula Evans · @ShaulaEvans
514 followers · 718 posts · Server make hypoallergenic meal replacement drinks that have saved my life more than once.

They have a 25% off sale that ends today (December 2).

They've been really good to me & their customer service is stellar.

If you or someone in your life needs meal replacement drinks / protein drinks / liquid meals, I recommend them highly.

Sharing in the hops this will help someone else out. xo

#mealreplacementdrinks #proteindrinks #liquiddiet #hypoallergenic

Last updated 2 years ago