After showing a standard #MAGA lies campaign ad funded by the #NRA (which is itself funded by #Russia ), #GloriaJohnson , a member of the #TennesseeThree and a #UniversityOfTennessee alum, is on @MSNBC and saying that “Tennesseans deserve better” than #MarshaBlackburn , who is an #OleMiss #MeanGirl. 🤔 ✅
#MAGA #nra #Russia #gloriajohnson #tennesseethree #universityoftennessee #marshablackburn #olemiss #meangirl
I'm doing my "Most Iconic Final Girls" countdown on YT and I have gotten some dislikes on this one and I am suspicious as to why....
#10 Needy from Jennifer’s Body played by the gorgeous and talented Amanda Seyfried.
#countdown #horror #horrormovie #finalgirl #supernatural #lgbtq #birepresentation #frenimes #meangirl #mutantfam #horrorfam
#countdown #horror #horrormovie #finalgirl #supernatural #lgbtq #birepresentation #frenimes #meangirl #mutantfam #horrorfam
#MeanGirl #Monday at Nyxon & Alexis POV Ballstomp Loser Roommate