Latest paper: Richard Bailey discusses the contributions of Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl to the philosophical literature on the meaning of life @philosophy @philosophyofpsychiatry


Last updated 2 years ago

tiger roholt · @roholt
12 followers · 1 posts · Server
Sarah Jane Cody · @sarahjanecody
4 followers · 7 posts · Server

Some interests / that apply to me:
(I am less into what's current in fashion and more into my own weird princess/punk, forest creature, fairytale, victorian vibes & because I'm I cherish and wear my same clothes for decades and weep when they wear out 😂) & etc.

#tags #writer #WritingCommunity #neurodivergent #ASD #ChronicIllness #booknerd #bi #philosophy #liminal #mythology #SpeculativeFiction #surrealism #magicalrealism #fabulism #forests #nature #thesublime #fashion #actuallyautistic #meaning #meaningfulness

Last updated 2 years ago

"The perceived of a life does not depend only on its components, but also on how its elements are ordered and how it forms a coherent whole, its 'narrative shape'." Fuhrer and Cova in their new paper on the meaningful life

#openaccess #meaningfulness

Last updated 2 years ago

Proofing Future · @ProofingFuture
29 followers · 75 posts · Server