ICYMI: #Chipotle ordered to pay former employees $240k — plus Sam’s perspective on what should be done.
#meanstv #meansmorningnews #unionbusting #chipotle
If you’re not starting your weekday with #MeansMorningNews, you’re missing out! Sam combines intelligent analysis of current events with humor and always signs off with a message that leaves me with a bit of hope each day. Check out yesterday’s show, which includes a shout-out to our French comrades and this week’s Rich Dick.
#COVID19 #aumf #unions #workersrights #meansmorningnews
New #MeansMorningNews!
Look back at the escalating #ClassWar and the rich dicks of 2022.
I joined yesterday😶 #introduction
#Leftist #pansexual #Zoomer w a #cat son
#MutualAid. #Buddhism #ThichNhatHanh #RamDass #ByronKatie #PemaChodron. #Enneagram (1w9). 
#MeansTV #MeansMorningNews #MNN
#music #ChildishGambino #TylertheCreator #FrankOcean #KidCudi #SamSmith #BloodOrange #PhoebeBridgers
#TheGoodPlace #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #NewGirl #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #SaturdayNightLive #SNL
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#socialjustice #cooking #baking #knitting
#introduction #leftist #pansexual #zoomer #cat #mutualaid #buddhism #thichnhathanh #ramdass #byronkatie #pemachodron #enneagram #meanstv #meansmorningnews #mnn #music #childishgambino #tylerthecreator #frankocean #kidcudi #samsmith #bloodorange #phoebebridgers #studioghibli #thegoodplace #parksandrecreation #parksandrec #newgirl #whatwedointheshadows #saturdaynightlive #snl #sherlock #johnlock #ozark #socialjustice #cooking #baking #knitting
Check out last week in socialist history. I have been reading some Emma Goldman, so hearing more stories and piecing the timelines together gives me heart to continue growing a better world.
#socialisthistory #history #meanstv #meansmorningnews #workers
#socialisthistory #history #meanstv #meansmorningnews #workers