Check out this thread:
It is to setup a #lending #library that can be versatile enough to handle lending a variety of objects.
#Lending #library #meansofproduction
The difference is the #ownership of the #MeansOfProduction. As long as a tiny minority of the rich owns it, the rest of us will be marching toward #shantytowns.
...unless we #SeizeTheMeansOfProduction
#capitalism #ClassWar #exploitation #luddite #technology #socialism #communism
#ownership #meansofproduction #shantytowns #seizethemeansofproduction #capitalism #classwar #exploitation #luddite #technology #socialism #communism
A similar sort of network has developed in many places with the #buynothing networks. And this is something that #meansofproduction can support as well - after all, a gift/buynothingitem is just a #loan that never expires.
One advantage of a permanent loan over a gift, though, is that it does incentivize people to keep items withing the system, and not sell it back to the mainstream #capitalist economy.
#buynothing #meansofproduction #loan #capitalist
But a couple problems still exist - how do I setup libraries, especially for things that don't currently have libraries, like #tools
Well, you can go the traditional route - find a space, and make it a #library. #meansofproduction means that you will have software to help you with this ready to go!
But spaces are expensive, particularly in #urban environments. So MoP also supports a newish idea, #distributedlibrary .
#tools #library #meansofproduction #urban #distributedlibrary
So what is #meansofproduction?
MoP is open source software being designed to power libraries. It has two key features - the ability to create a #distributedlibrary, and the ability to #federate between many different libraries.
We'll handle each of these items separately, then dive into the tech stack, status, and later features!
If you'd like to get involved, please let me know!
#meansofproduction #distributedlibrary #federate
A 🧵on the ongoing #meansofproduction project - which is designed to enable #librarysocialism along with #federation of all types of libraries, especially #toollibraries, and even #Housing
You can find more info at, and the codebase is #opensource at
We have a discord at - but also moving lots of the discussion here to #mastodon!
#meansofproduction #librarysocialism #federation #toollibraries #housing #opensource #mastodon
Everything you need to live comfortably can be grown in less than an acre.
It's not expensive and you don't have to be a genius to learn how.
If we made growing our own #MeansOfProduction a fundamental part of maturity, like a high school requirement, we could be a sustainable people, immune to economic fluctuations & the whims of the rich & powerful, eating nutritious food from our zero-input harvest-only garden, and doing whatever we want with our abundant free time, instead of day jobs..!
#Automation #PrivateProperty #Technology #MeansOfProduction
The Robots Won’t Save Us Until We Control the Means of Production
#meansofproduction #technology #PrivateProperty #automation
#Automation #PrivateProperty #Technology #MeansOfProduction
The Robots Won’t Save Us Until We Control the Means of Production
#meansofproduction #technology #PrivateProperty #automation
Get yourself out there on #Mastodon with something like...
#Anarcho #Socialist #Socialism #Syndicalism #Soviets #MeansOfProduction #Doncaster #Rotherham #Sheffield #Yorkshire #UK #Unions #ForTheMany #Chomsky #Wolff #ChrisHedges #NavaraMedia #DDN #AaronBastani #AshSarkar
#mastodon #anarcho #socialist #socialism #syndicalism #soviets #meansofproduction #doncaster #rotherham #sheffield #yorkshire #uk #unions #forthemany #chomsky #wolff #chrishedges #NavaraMedia #DDN #aaronbastani #AshSarkar
Over the past decade there's been a bevvy of faux #realEstate buying #programming on #television.
These #programmes are part of a #confidenceTrick and #socialEngineering to make us think we are getting more #wealthy while we #offshore our #meansOfProduction (aka #manufacturing).
The reality is we are poorer than ever. And only the #extremelyWealthy have benefitted from the #offshoring.
#Coronavirus has brought this to a head - but let's make no mistake...
#COVID19 didn't **cause** anything.
#realestate #programming #television #programmes #confidenceTrick #socialengineering #wealthy #offshore #meansofproduction #manufacturing #extremelyWealthy #offshoring #coronavirus #COVID19
I'm a #programmer in #strike, right now. And you can strike too!
I'm in strike to support my #Union and for #solidarity with the #workers it tries to protect:
But also to show my #employer how #programmers firmly control the #MeansOfProduction: our heads.
#programmer #strike #union #solidarity #workers #employer #programmers #meansofproduction