Unicorn Riot is joining the world’s first worker-owned streaming service, Means TV. You can stream Unicorn Riot’s groundbreaking reporting covering a variety of topics on their platform.
https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/unicorn-riot-x-means-tv/ #MeansTV #UnicornRiot
Got a sticker for the most rad cartoon, Papa and Boy.
#Hardhat #Stickers #Construction #PapaAndSon #Papa #Son #Cartoons #SeriouslyWrong #MeansTV
#hardhat #stickers #construction #papaandson #papa #son #cartoons #seriouslywrong #meanstv
ICYMI: #Chipotle ordered to pay former employees $240k — plus Sam’s perspective on what should be done.
#meanstv #meansmorningnews #unionbusting #chipotle
What is Means TV?
Means TV is the world’s
first worker-owned,
anti-capitalist streaming service.
Tooting this FYI; I just discovered it myself.
#MeansTV #WorkerOwned #Anticapitalist
#anticapitalist #workerowned #meanstv
Working Class Revolution to all, and to all a good night!
#communism #socialism #marxism #teenagestepdad #meanstv
Working Class Revolution to all, and to all a good night!
#communism #socialism #marxism #teenagestepdad #meanstv
I joined yesterday😶 #introduction
#Leftist #pansexual #Zoomer w a #cat son
#MutualAid. #Buddhism #ThichNhatHanh #RamDass #ByronKatie #PemaChodron. #Enneagram (1w9).
#MeansTV #MeansMorningNews #MNN
#music #ChildishGambino #TylertheCreator #FrankOcean #KidCudi #SamSmith #BloodOrange #PhoebeBridgers
#TheGoodPlace #ParksandRecreation #ParksandRec #NewGirl #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #SaturdayNightLive #SNL
#Sherlock #Johnlock #Ozark
#socialjustice #cooking #baking #knitting
#introduction #leftist #pansexual #zoomer #cat #mutualaid #buddhism #thichnhathanh #ramdass #byronkatie #pemachodron #enneagram #meanstv #meansmorningnews #mnn #music #childishgambino #tylerthecreator #frankocean #kidcudi #samsmith #bloodorange #phoebebridgers #studioghibli #thegoodplace #parksandrecreation #parksandrec #newgirl #whatwedointheshadows #saturdaynightlive #snl #sherlock #johnlock #ozark #socialjustice #cooking #baking #knitting
Reformed Detective #McGruff has recommendations for how to talk to the #police! From the #MeansTV collective.
#PapaAndBoy #trailer #animation
#patriarchy s bad effect on #men as well as everyone else
#papaandboy #trailer #animation #patriarchy #men #meanstv
Check out last week in socialist history. I have been reading some Emma Goldman, so hearing more stories and piecing the timelines together gives me heart to continue growing a better world.
#socialisthistory #history #meanstv #meansmorningnews #workers
#socialisthistory #history #meanstv #meansmorningnews #workers
Esha goes to Moscow to ask Russians how live under socialism compared with today's capitalist society #MeansTV @MeansTV
True, uncritical praise of anything can alienate people. #MeansTV should have done a much better job with their recent video about socialism vs. capitalism. I just don't think it will drive people away who would potentially support this "post-capitalist streaming platform". But of course, I could be wrong.
While I concur with you on the necessity of critical and accurate work per se and on helping people to achieve that, I do not worry about who has done this or that, which might not support the whole movement. If anyone dislikes a certain group of people, this person can always pick some bad work or deed and held it against them all (collective punishment). One cannot prevent this, one can only argue against it.
Anyway, thanks for your ongoing critical support of the worker coop movement!