New almostsure blog post: Non-measurable sets
for #mathematics #mathsbasics#mathematicallogic #sets #logic #topology #numbertheory #linearalgebra
#probability #measuretheory
#mathematics #mathsbasics #sets #logic #topology #numbertheory #linearalgebra #probability #measuretheory #FunctionalAnalysis
A third (!) amazing thing I’ve learned today!
(This one’s a bit less accessible than the other two, as it requires some mathematical knowledge)
There is, it seems, a strictly monotone polynomial-valued measure for subsets of R^n
#mathematics #measuretheory #topology
Here is a #math question from a line of my #economics research:
There are functions which are discontinuous everywhere (Dirichlet function) and non-monotonic continuous but non-differentiable everywhere functions (Weierstrass function). Can a monotonic function be continuous but non-differentiable everywhere? Can the Lebesgue integral of a non-negative discontinuous everywhere function yield a continuous but non-differentiable everywhere function?
#measuretheory #realanalysis #MathMonday #economics #math
I love how #measuretheory simplifies the understanding to introduction of #statistics