@HiroRwar Unlike :birdsite: :twitter: you can however choose to specifically follow accounts and your experience is solely based upon what accounts you follow and what they post and share.
There is no algorithm that tries to sell you shit!
So like in #meatspace your mileage does vary...
I tried #SecondLife a couple of times, years ago, but one must still interact with strangers, particularly via #SmallTalk and #ChitChat.
No, thank you. Absolutely fucking not.
That's why I don't make or have friends or acquaintances in #MeatSpace.
#meatspace #chitchat #smalltalk #secondlife
Pro-Choice: A Journey Toward Reason
I’ve always been open about my Pro-Choice stance. As I’ve aged, I find that I’ve grown more assertive with my views, especially given the existing political environment of our nation. However, this wasn’t always my belief.
So….. About That: Genetic Testing and Family Myths
For as long as I can remember, there's been a tale in my family about my father's Native American heritage through his mother's lineage. My great-grandfather insisted he was Cherokee, not Mexican, as he often put it. We took this as gospel...
#Genealogy #Meatspace #DNA #genealogy #Latino #mystery #myth #NativeAmerican
#genealogy #meatspace #dna #latino #mystery #myth #nativeamerican
If you prefer cybering in the #metaverse over IRLing in #meatspace then you are #meataverse
#metaverse #meatspace #meataverse
@heiseonline Das ist auch nichts anderes als #Cyberfaschismus im #Meatspace und widerspricht dem Grundgedanken der europäischen Freizügigkeit sowie informationellen Selbstbestimmung.
Es braucht nicht nur #PersoOhneFinger sondern auch #ReisepassOhneFinger!
#reisepassohnefinger #PersoOhneFinger #meatspace #cyberfaschismus
@tarper24 Personally I work from the same room, but work equipment is stored in a closet elsewhere when not in use, because I don't trust corporate spyware.
Due to my country's #SuicideCult tendencies and other infrastructural flaws, I'm pretty much having to fall back to #VR to be my eventual third place (once I can afford equipment). Other #meatspace issues also contribute to that choice.
But damn if it doesn't bring into sharp relief just how immersed in right wing redness I am in #MeatSpace. This city is blue by the skin of its teeth, and the state is very, very red.
I'm legit depressed about it right now (or was when I first posted this on .lol). I have been for a while, but it's worse now in comparison to all of this knowledge I have of better people in concentration.
Keep being wonderful, people. Keep being wonderful people.
@melunaka @mimoeschen Yeah, again I find myself isolated not by choice but by constraint.
#Canada turning into a Nurglite #SuicideCult was not something I'd planned for.
Then I'm considered weird for abandoning #meatspace as much as possible when it has been made abundantly clear I'm unwanted there.
#canada #suicidecult #meatspace
@ceresbzns @mainframed767 I'd really like the immersive cyberspace though.
The tyranny of forms inherent to #meatspace is unpleasant.
@enigmatico Anti-corporate & anti-pollution matters aside...
Personally speaking, I don't want to accept the way I am.
I have different issues, but resigning myself to them isn't something I want to do.
The lack of access to #MorphologicalFreedom is part of why I despite #meatspace so much. I shouldn't have to deal with a body I profoundly dislike for some trivial fluke of genetics, and yet here I am.
I should get to decide who and what I want to be.
#morphologicalfreedom #meatspace
@dekkzz76 One day leaving #meatspace behind for #cyberspace will hopefully be a thing.
Down with the tyranny of matter.
@shoq Ah I see.
Well, in #cyberspace unlike #meatspace, blocking them is a lot easier and spatial scarcity is far less of a concern.
@glyph It's mostly a degradation of #cyberspace, #meatspace was and remains a more coercive & limited space.
It harms an escape we used to have from a world that has otherwise been entirely compromised.
@ariadne #Cyberpunk media was right,
#respirators & goggles are very fashionable and essential.
Unfortunately much like it never showed, they're not subsidized nor affordable. Your respiratory safety will not be affordable.
I've just given up on #meatspace instead.
#cyberpunk #respirators #meatspace
@dekkzz76 By plug-in you meant immersive VR? Well, yes it would be quite greatly preferable (and in ways that doesn't cover, I have numerous grievances with #meatspace) but it's already quite useful in various industry uses.
In terms of use though, a cheap-ish 400$ set of goggles (there is cheaper) & my computer might well be more affordable for me in the long run than say... a 150$ camera system & bundles of binder paper. That stuff gets expensive over time, I remember student days.
@robertroybritt It sure would be nice to live long-enough to see the tech to actually fix-up my body into a form that doesn't *at best* inspire disappointment anytime I come across a reflective surface.
Or for #ImmersiveVR to finally come about and make the #meatspace inconvenience inconsequential.
The loss of observers for reality (for some definition of reality approaching simple existence) is always unfortunate as well.
Permanent death is a technical problem in need of a solution.
Prior to the #pandemic, it was already hard to appreciate much of #Canada considering how much has been destroyed for the #car, but in a continuation of self-destructive policy-making, the safety of indoor places & inadequacies of heretofore standard HVAC filters has been completely ignored, with the result that for all intents and purposes, in #Canada #meatspace is dead.
It's a shameful state of affairs.
#CarCentricDevelopment #Urbanism #HEPA #PublicSafety #Safety #Politics #Idiocy
#pandemic #canada #car #meatspace #CarCentricDevelopment #urbanism #hepa #publicsafety #safety #politics #idiocy