The Annual MeCCSA Conference 2023 extended abstract submission deadline is imminent:
Friday 3rd February 2023
Submit your abstract here: https://easychair.org/cfp/MECCSA2023
#MeCCSA2023 will be hosted by Glasgow Caledonian University 4-6th September 2023
#meccsa2023 #meccsa #commodon #mediastudies
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (#MeCCSA): Connected Futures?
Deadline: 31/03/2023
"Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
– Representations of #Race, #Gender, #Sexuality, #Disability and #SocialClass in media narratives
– The future of television SVODs, FAST, AVOD, TVOD, and of public service broadcasting
– The future of the cinema industry and of movie theatres
– The future of music consumption, podcasts and radio
#cfp #meccsa #race #gender #sexuality #disability #socialclass