#Cambodia: #VOD reporter #MechDara, on twitter, reports that PM #HunSen has refused the apology offered by VOD: ‘--"I, Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, do not change the decision to shut down the radio VOD, " he added competent institutions shall perform the following duties…’ See letter in Khmer at https://twitter.com/mechdara1/status/1624859191583346689?s=12&t=LoDwFLpqQ1y_vButTDTCHg #FoE #PressFreedom
#cambodia #vod #mechdara #hunsen #foe #pressfreedom
#Cambodia: #VOD reporter #MechDara, on twitter, reports that PM #HunSen has refused the apology offered by VOD: ‘--"I, Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, do not change the decision to shut down the radio VOD, " he added competent institutions shall perform the following duties…’ See letter in Khmer at https://nitter.net/mechdara1/status/1624859191583346689?s=12&t=LoDwFLpqQ1y_vButTDTCHg #FoE #PressFreedom
#cambodia #vod #mechdara #hunsen #foe #pressfreedom