I see no reason why Biden can't (and plenty of reasons why he should) rescind the Medal of Freedoms given by TFG to Jordan and Limbaugh and others.
What is the nomination process for the Presidential #MedalOfFreedom? I'd like to nominate #StormyDaniels for taking (a small) one for the team.
#indictmenttuesday #stormydaniels #medaloffreedom
#December 29, 1876
#OTD Pablo #Casals, #Spanish #PuertoRican #Cellist, #Composer, & #Conductor, is born.
One of the greatest #Cellists of all time, #Pablo is remembered for his #Bach #Cello #Suite recordings (1936 -1939).
In 1963, #JFK awarded him the #Presidential #MedalOfFreedom.
Pablo once wrote,
In #Music,
In the #Sea,
In a #Flower,
In a #Leaf,
In an act of #Kindness...
#December #otd #casals #spanish #PuertoRican #cellist #composer #conductor #cellists #pablo #bach #cello #suite #jfk #presidential #medaloffreedom #music #sea #flower #leaf #kindness #people #god #things #nature #Sublime #savagebeast #beauty #flowers #garden
RT @RealBillRussell@twitter.com
Proud to take a knee, and to stand tall against social injustice." #takeaknee #medaloffreedom #NFL #BillRussell #MSNBC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RealBillRussell/status/912435071641985024
#msnbc #billrussell #nfl #medaloffreedom #takeaknee