#steam #ea #medalofhonor #videogames #giveaway
Today in 1862, Abraham Lincoln signs legislation creating the Army's #medalofhonor
Review: Medal of Honor – Vanguard (Playstation 2)
In this review, we earn our medals in the Playstation 2 game Medal of Honor - Vanguard. We find out how well this FPS game plays.
This game was released in 2007. It is yet another instalment in this relatively long series.
We are quite familiar with this
#Reviews(Games) #FPS #game #gaming #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonor-Vanguard #Playstation2 #PS2 #review
#review #ps2 #playstation2 #medalofhonor #gaming #game #fps #reviews
A critical examination of how a distinct genre of #VideoGames emerged following the terrorist attacks and their aftermath in America.
Compares pre and post-9/11 entries in major franchises like #CallOfDuty #MedalOfHonor #GTA #Battlefield and more.
👉 https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/book/the-post-9-11-video-game-a-critical-examination
#COD #PlayStation #Xbox #Nintendo #Gaming #VideoGame #Gamer #FPS #FirstPersonShooter #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Battlefield1 #SyphonFilter #BlackOps #ModernWarfare #Military #WarGames
#wargames #military #modernwarfare #blackops #syphonfilter #Battlefield1 #bookstodon #Books #book #firstpersonshooter #fps #gamer #videogame #Gaming #Nintendo #xbox #Playstation #cod #Battlefield #gta #medalofhonor #callofduty #videogames
A critical examination of how a distinct genre of #VideoGames emerged following the terrorist attacks and their aftermath in America.
Compares pre and post-9/11 entries in major franchises like #CallOfDuty #MedalOfHonor #GTA #Battlefield and more.
👉 https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/book/the-post-9-11-video-game-a-critical-examination
#COD #PlayStation #Xbox #Nintendo #Gaming #VideoGame #Gamer #FPS #FirstPersonShooter #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Battlefield1 #SyphonFilter #BlackOps #ModernWarfare #Military #WarGames
#wargames #military #modernwarfare #blackops #syphonfilter #Battlefield1 #bookstodon #Books #book #firstpersonshooter #fps #gamer #videogame #Gaming #Nintendo #xbox #Playstation #cod #Battlefield #gta #medalofhonor #callofduty #videogames
Ich bin es leid mir von irgendwelchen dahergelaufenen GRÜNEN, die selbst den Wehrdienst verweigerten, aber hier in den Social Media zu selbsternannten Wehrexperten mutieren, ständig erklären zu lassen, wie eine Ukraine diesen Krieg gewinnt. Dieser Krieg ist für die Ukraine nicht zu gewinnen!
Erinnerung an meinen Militärdienst (Fallschirmjägerin, Fluglotsin): US Air Force 2005-18 mit 12 Auslandseinsätzen in Kriegs- und Krisengebieten Afghanistan, Irak
#medalofhonor #thxforyourservice
Tara Ross - Paul J. Wiedorfer’s Bravery in World War II:
#PaulWiedorfer #MedalOfHonor #BattleOfTheBulge #WorldWarII #MemorialDay
#PaulWiedorfer #medalofhonor #battleofthebulge #worldwarii #memorialday
When @usarmy 1st Lt. Francis Brownell become a national hero for avenging the death of his colonel, who happened to be a friend of President Abraham Lincoln. Brownell’s actions were the first of the war to merit the newly minted #MedalofHonor.
Dignified Transfer.
Service members assigned to the @dodpaa transport the remains of @USArmy Cpl. Luther Herschel Story during a dignified transfer ceremony at @JointBasePHH. Story was posthumously awarded the #MedalofHonor for actions during the #KoreanWar. https://t.co/kzsUPR50Dx
.@USArmy Capt. Jose Calugas helped the Allies during #WWII in a way many couldn’t. His heroics before the fall of Bataan earned him the #MedalofHonor, but his efforts after becoming a prisoner of war were crucial to the fight, too. #AAPIHeritageMonth https://t.co/9XmLnfzklT
#wwii #medalofhonor #AAPIHeritageMonth
Hells yeah.
RT @USArmy
.@ftnovosel's commanding general, Maj. Gen. Michael C. McCurry reflects on the base's namesake – a veteran of three wars, a #MedalOfHonor recipient, an #USArmy Aviation legend, and much more.
Apr 23, 2023 - Day 113 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 126
Game: Medal of Honor
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Oct 13, 2010
Library Date: Dec 6, 2013
Unplayed: 3425d (9y4m17d)
Playtime: 76m
OK, so I have no idea what's going on here. This game showed up as a "2019" game (my Steam library is sorted by year, filtered by unplayed).
However, checking the "added to account" date, shows this as being added in 2013, thus it's been unplayed for almost a decade.
I probably don't need to explain that Medal of Honor is a war-themed first person squad-based shooter.
When I'm playing a shooter against aliens or zombies, there's a sense of throwing yourself at enemies who are objectively "bad guys".
Medal of Honor turns out to be the *13th* Medal of Honor game since Medal of Honor in 1999. It was, apparently, the first Medal of Honor in a modern setting and... a lot has happened in the 13 years since it was released; I spent the entire time I was playing with a disquieting sense of unease.
As for gameplay, it's a competent shooter. The sense of progression kept me going, and before I knew it I'd been playing for over an hour.
It is a 13 year old game, and a lot of games have been released since that have similar mechanics without the on-the-nose setting.
Medal of Honor isn't for me; though as a game, it's:
3: OK
#MedalOfHonor #FPS #Melee #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#medalofhonor #fps #melee #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Well, hello there mate!
I know, it's been a looong time, sorry, y'know; busy busy!
Yeah, sure I brought my papers. I wouldn't forget those, I still remember how you love seeing them!
What's what? This? Oh... nothing...
#medalofhonor #ps1 #retrogaming
During the Battle of Tayacoba (June 30, 1898) in the Spanish-American War, a group of Americans and Cubans became stranded on a beach after being repulsed by Spanish troops. It took 5 attempts, but members of the 10th Cavalry (Buffalo Soldiers) were able to successfully rescue them. Four were given the Medal of Honor for their bravery: William H Tompkins, George H Wanton, Dennis Bell, and Fitz Lee.
As an engineering officer, @USNavy Cmdr. Donald Gary intimately knew the layout of the USS Franklin. That knowledge helped him save about 300 men trapped inside the aircraft carrier when the Japanese attacked during #WWII - earning him the #MedalofHonor.
Today, on National #MedalofHonor Day, we honor the courage of those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect our nation. Their unwavering dedication serves as a reminder that true heroes are among us. Thank you. https://t.co/LElzhDQ4sj
In 1951, @USArmy Col. Lewis Millett earned the #MedalOfHonor in Korea for leading the last major bayonet charge in American military history. Here is his story: https://t.co/4bjLXBqt0t
@inklings @TonyStark @Tengrain @JenX I posted about Colonel Paris Davis an hour after the ceremony, but mine was one of just a few I saw here that day.
Colonel Davis, a rare Black officer in Special Forces in 1965, says he won't dwell on racism being the possible / likely reason it took 58 years to get his #MedalOfHonor. His recommendation was "lost" twice.
If you want to read about what retired U.S. Army COL Paris Davis did to receive the Medal of Honor yesterday, scroll down to "The Battle" here:
#military #usarmy #parisdavis #medalofhonor