Watching #EncantoAtTheHollywoodBowl on @DisneyPlus and my kiddos are truly mesmerized. I am in awe.
#encantoatthehollywoodbowl #medcanto
RT @evebmd
“Cassandra was gaslighted. Bruno was canceled. Are we destined for the same fate, as pariahs, social outcasts who are “always talking about the virus”?”
Our @WIMSummit piece about why we need to talk about #Bruno.
with @aoglasser #Encanto 🦋
Yup. My year has been mostly #TaylorSwift with a ton of #WeDontTalkAboutBruno, plus #Sing and #Matilda - 🤷🏻♀️Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty🎵
#SpotifyWrapped #medCanto @EncantoMovie @Spotify @MatildaMusical @singmovie @taylorswift13
#taylorswift #wedonttalkaboutbruno #sing #matilda #imstillstanding #midnights #spotifywrapped #medcanto