I'm going to start posting a song I like each #MetalMonday to start the week right!
Today's song is On The Ocean's Command, by Dutch metal band Ex Libris. The (concept) album it's from, Medea, is based on the Greek tragedy of the same name.
#Metal #ProgressiveMetal #ExLibris #Medea #GreekTragedy #Euripides
#metalmonday #metal #progressivemetal #Exlibris #medea #greektragedy #euripides
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M3.9 strikes 44 km W of #Médéa (#Algeria) 2 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1526050
#earthquake #زلزال #medea #algeria
È stata inaugurata il 5 maggio 2023 la mostra d’arte contemporanea curata da Demetrio Paparoni dal titolo “Medea”, e sarà possibile visitarla sino al 30 settembre presso gli storici spazi del loggiato dell’Antico Mercato di Siracusa. #medea #sicilia #siracusa #mostra #arte #artist #art #artista
#medea #sicilia #siracusa #mostra #arte #artist #art #artista
Saw #Medea at #SohoPlace #theatre again this evening. Yes, it's so good that I went back a second time. Because I'm nice I shall refrain from #spoilers for the 2,500 year old show. But the chap who played Jason (no auto cow wreck, not JSON) and all the other male characters had excellent boots.
#medea #sohoplace #theatre #spoilers
Médéa, Algeria: pizzeria | Rating: 5 #pizza #médéa https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=36.2650738%2C2.767921899999999&query_place_id=ChIJeaS4qXBrjxIR8A2yCg-V3mg
Wgat a great day to learn about my favorite classical hero: #Medea
#medea #histodons #histodon #mythodon #greece #classicalgreece
Médéa, Algeria: Pezzeria meglouba | Rating: 5 #pizza #médéa https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=36.26517329999999%2C2.752824099999999&query_place_id=ChIJUeFF4eVqjxIRRYW1Qomqqqk
A Macerata è #NatoOggi nel 1943 lo scenogafo e costumista di fama internazionale #DanteFerretti l'esordio come scenografo è per la #Medea di Pasolini
#26febbraio #NatoOggi #danteferretti #medea
The exciting bouncing in south #London that may be showing up on your seismometers is because there is only one sleep until I get to see #Euripides's #Medea at the new #SohoPlace #theatre. 2,450 years since it was written, 30+ years since I first read the script in school, tomorrow I finally get to see it in person. https://sohoplace.org/whats-on/medea
#london #euripides #medea #sohoplace #theatre
Medea was perfection, Sophie was scarily amazing in the lead, Ben Daniels was showing some really top skills as an actor. The whole production was really brilliant and skillfully presented, and being in the round, the audience was literally dragged into the horrifying events slowly unfolding in front of us all. I don't think there's a bad seat in the space.
Please go see this ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ show.
#Medea #SophieOkonedo #BenDaniels
#bendaniels #SophieOkonedo #medea
I have a stunning view for the cheapest ticket price, shocked I found one in the stalls.
Medea, il desiderio e la cura
Ancora sul desiderio (parte IV) Qui le altre tre
Che il soggetto sia soggetto di desiderio o, meglio ancora, che sia determinato dal lavoro del desiderio è un assunto che gira intorno a Hegel (in particolare al passo della Fenomenologia dello spirito su “Signoria e Servitù”)
#Perun’ecologiaanticapitalistadeldigitale. #Rubriche #Butler #desiderio #Diotima #ead #Malabou #Medea
#Perun #rubriche #butler #desiderio #diotima #ead #malabou #medea
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M2.7 strikes 29 km NW of #Médéa (#Algeria) 13 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1225387
#earthquake #زلزال #medea #algeria
Literarischer #15Januar
„Ich gebe mir Müh, nichts zu wollen, zu denken.“
#FranzGrillparzer #Medea Geburt 1791
#15januar #franzgrillparzer #medea
Il potere generativo delle ombre. Seconda parte
Qui la prima
L’orrore non deve essere scrutato ma solo rasentato nell’oscurità
Emily Dickinson
Nel parlare dell’orrore astratto o della fiction speculativa relativi alla raccolta di racconti di Claudio Kulesko, avevo fatto riferimento al concetto di Cao
#Perun’ecologiaanticapitalistadeldigitale. #Rubriche #ead #Medea #ombre #serialkiller
#Perun #rubriche #ead #medea #ombre #serialkiller
Ricordati che io sono Medea. Medea nunc sum
Questo testo è stato scritto da Isabelle Stengers in occasione del programma "Médée" di Marc-Antoine Charpentier all'Opéra du Rhin nel maggio 1993 e pubblicato in volume in "Les empêcheurs de penser en rond", Synthélabo, Paris, 1993 - Ripubblicato poi da: K. Revue trans-européenne de philoso
#PrimoPiano #estratti #femminismo #IsabelleStengers #Medea
#primopiano #estratti #femminismo #IsabelleStengers #medea
¡Comenzamos con fuerza de nuevo! 💪
Tras las fiestas he vuelto a repostar energía y vengo preparada para seguir dándote este pedacito de historia de la literatura cada Lunes 🏺📚
Hoy vamos con el último de los griegos clásicos, ¡El grandísimo Eurípides! Otro Dramaturgo trágico muy importante para su época 🏛️
📌Bastante innovador en su momento, es el creador del personaje de Medea. Un referente femenino en cuanto a los personajes literarios pues se trata del punto de vista de una mujer en un mundo de hombres ♀️
📌Se cree que escribió aproximadamente unas 92 obras de las que se conservan unas 18.
📌 Eurípides trata la mitología antigua con un enfoque contemporáneo de su época. Crítica a los dioses de la época
📌Gran complejidad de personajes y situaciones. Reformador de la estructura de la tragedia.
#Medea #Literatura #libros #escritores #leer #lectura #escribir #booktodon
#euripides #literaturaclasica #historiadelaliteratura #lunesdeliteraturabk #tragediagriega #medea #literatura #libros #escritores #leer #lectura #escribir #booktodon
#Earthquake (#زلزال) M3.4 strikes 16 km NW of #Médéa (#Algeria) 1hr 26min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1208478
#earthquake #زلزال #medea #algeria
This week's #MythologyMonday theme is #sleep. Notorious #witch #Medea, niece to Circe and granddaughter to #Helios, was made to fall in love with the argonaut Jason by #Aphrodite as a favour to #Hera. Medea's father Aeëtes tasked Jason with fighting and killing the sleepless drakon that guarded the Golden Fleece. So Medea put it to sleep with narcotic herbs. Once the drakon was asleep, Jason took the fleece and sailed away with Medea as he had promised.
#mythologymonday #sleep #witch #medea #helios #aphrodite #hera #mythology #greekmythology