@Heidentweet which won't work as most don't "own" said planes on their own but have those boxed into airlines.
Basically you'd rather ban #MEDEVAC flights with small #Gulfstream jets than prevent a #Billionaire to be a #Wanker.
Thus #taxing all #income like #WageWork is the next best solution, including loans granted with #shares as collateral.
#shares #wagework #income #taxing #wanker #billionaire #gulfstream #medevac
Beech C90A King Air is likely the #medevac that is inbound to #Kahalui #Maui. Reports of hospitals overwhelmed with burn patients, this is likely to transport some of them to Honolulu. #wildfires #Hawaii
#medevac #kahalui #maui #wildfires #hawaii
More #medevac flights to/from Maui. Communications are apparently intermittent from ATC to Kahalui, the air traffic controller was asking someone to attempt to relay a message to a UPS flight in that direction. #Hawaii #Maui #wildfires
#medevac #hawaii #maui #wildfires
A Russian Solider got hit with a 30mm non-explosive projectile and survived.
The related X-RAy will be done in the reply to this posting
#ukraine #tccc #medevac #medicine #combatmedic
The real "unseen" heroes of this war are the ukrainian women.
Meet volunteer doctor Natalya: "They brought a soldier with tourniquets on three limbs. You look and understand: they will have to be amputated"
Natalya is an anesthesiologist. Today, she is saving the lives of our soldiers at the headquarters in the Bakhmut direction as part of the PDMSh - the First Voluntary Mobile Hospital named after Mykola Pirogov.
#ukraine #tccc #medevac #medicine
Evakuierung eines 🇺🇦Verwundeten. Auch hier: 1. Tourniquet anlegen, danach selbstständig aus d Gefechtsgraben m Motivation durch Kamerad. #Verwundetentransport ohne Hilfsmittel bis zum #MEDEVAC
SanAusb ist überlebenswichtig!
#SanDst #Ukraine #Medical
#medical #Ukraine #sandst #medevac #verwundetentransport
Una de esas efemérides que pasó sin que apenas se cubriera por los medios, más allá de una nota de prensa y acto del Ejército del Aire y del Espacio , el centenario de la aviación sanitaria española
#medevac #sanitario #centenario
#medevac #sanitario #centenario
Super interesting podcast from the Prolonged Field Care Collective discussing #medevac work in the context of #ukraine
Air evac can't be effectively used in Ukraine! #TCCC guidelines based on #Iraq or #Afghanistan experience need to be updated. Casualty evacuations can take many, many hours under tank and artillery fire.
Front line combat medics need prolonged field care training.
This is worth an hour of your time.
#medevac #ukraine #tccc #iraq #afghanistan #Medibubble #Medbubble #medicine #combat #trauma
@lukas @AufstandLastGen Effektiv würde man damit auch gleich #MEDEVAC-Flieger wie die vom #ADAC verbieten...
@ItsTrainingCatsAndDogs @AuswaertigesAmt The absurdly high healthcare cost in the #USA are the reason most #TravelInsurance will exclude it and why #MEDEVAC even for minor injuries is financially more sane.
For contrast, the same Tranvel Insurance would have no problem paying a decompression chamber at €700/hr with minimum of 12 hours...
Healthcare in the #USA is worse and more expensive than anywhere I've ever been...
#medevac #Travelinsurance #USA
#MEDEVAC Redningshelikopter SOla gjennomfører en medisink evakuering fra fartøy vest av Jærens rev. Rutine operasjon. HRS koordinerer
300 USD fundraiser to repair the car we bought for #medevac purposes. Any amount helps!
USD: IBAN/SWIFT UA493808050000000262025459354
Address: 28142, Ukraine, reg. Kirovohradska, district Kompaniivskyim village Harmanivka, st. Molodizhna, build. 1.
PayPal: belandavaha@gmail.com
@StillIRise1963 #Funfact: almost all planes are legally not owned "private" unless you see every non-public corporation as "private"...
In fact, all billionaires will not legally own their own plane but put those into charter-only airlines in order to be able to commit tax & customs fraud and not constantly pay import taxes on their shitty Gulfstream...
So in fact it's impossible to ban them without banning #MEDEVAC services like the one operated by #ADAC...
Alaska Air Guardsmen rescue injured climber near Glacier View
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Pararescue personnel with the Alaska Air National Guard’s 212th Rescue Squadron load an injured climber. (Courtesy photo by Stephens Harper)
JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska --Â Alaska Air National Guardsmen of 210th and 212th...
#alaska #glacier view #injured climber #medevac #national guard #pavehawk
#alaska #glacier #injured #medevac #national #pavehawk
Today the fundraiser for #medevac for #UAF is going strong, but we still need $3300.
@virtulis asked to include a way to transfer funds from within #Ukraine, here it is:
PayPal: belandavaha@gmail.com
If you want to donate in EUR: UA793220010000026207335419863
In USD: UA493808050000000262025459354
Name: Haiduk Vasyl
Address: 28142, Ukraine, reg. Kirovohradska, district Kompaniivskyim village Harmanivka, st. Molodizhna, build. 1.
The fundraiser for a better #medevac vehicle is going well, but we're still missing $5200.
Here's what my friends from #Ukraine from 121st brigade of 178th platoon have to deal with right now.
Paypal: belandavaha@gmail.com
Name: Haiduk Vasyl
Address: 28142, Ukraine, reg. Kirovohradska, district Kompaniivskyim village Harmanivka, st. Molodizhna, build. 1.
Euro bank transfer: IBAN
USD bank transfer: UA493808050000000262025459354
Coast Guard Station Ketchikan Boat Crew Medevacs Man from Vessel near Pennock Island
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45-foot USCG Response Boat Medium. Image-USCG
KODIAK, Alaska – The Coast Guard medevaced a 30-year-old man from the towing vessel Pacific Titan, near Pennock Island, Alaska, Monday.
A Coast...
#coast guard #alaska #pennock island #medevac #crewmember #pacific titan
#coast #alaska #pennock #medevac #crewmember #pacific
176th Wing Guardian Angels jump into Pilot Station to enable medevac
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JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska — During a complex medevac involving three 176th Wing Guardian Angel teams, two HC-130J Combat King II aircraft and one HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter, a combat rescue officer and a pararescueman parachuted into...
#guardian angels #pilot station #jump #medevac
#guardian #pilot #jump #medevac
@axios well, #Healthcare in the #USA is absurdly expensive and inefficient, to the point that it's cheaper to #MEDEVAC than seek lokal treatment even for the most minor injuries like a broken arm.
Alaska Air Guardsmen provide life-saving medevac for pediatric patient from Elim
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An HC-130J Combat King II aircraft of the 211th Rescue Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard, refuels an HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter of the 210th Rescue Squadron. (Alaska Army National Guard photo by Spc. Grace Nechanicky)...
#elim #alaska #air national guard #medevac #elmendorf
#elim #alaska #air #medevac #elmendorf