It's called "".

It's written by , signed-off on by and , and then performed by "" actors.

Literally they NEED to be "trained" to talk to us — its a euphamism for whether they are trained "".

Either don't watch it, or in spite of it, but never give it power.

#content #drones #deepstate #MICIMATT #mediaTrained #hypnotists #organise #contentDrivenDevelopment #droneCult #actors #fakebook #hollywood #legacymedia

Last updated 2 years ago

We've all seen them.

The small 'L' left who say they care and then say, but the , I see hope in to turn things around.

Its a common trope. We see sophists use it all the time, too.

They are in there 30s, 40s and 50s. But are satisfied to not they want to see.

#youngpeople #TheNextGeneration #mediaTrained #bethechange #UsefulIdiots #hopeAndChange #rhetoric #lipstickLeft #WordSalad #identityLeft #fakeleft #promisesOfABetterTomorrow #indoctrinated #sleepWalking #zombieLeft #corporateState

Last updated 3 years ago