#mediaartist #videoart #installation #essays #videos #publicart #urbanart #housingestate #fujiinstaxwide #modell #classism #nofuture #future #socialfiction #anarchism #now
foto von detlef klepsch, kappe von jody korbach
#mediaartist #videoart #installation #essays #videos #publicart #urbanart #housingestate #fujiinstaxwide #modell #classism #nofuture #future #socialfiction #anarchism #now
I'm a #Berlin based #MediaArtist thinking about the relationship of society and technology. I work with a variety of media, but also write and give talks. And software engineering!
Some projects:
The wohnungsbot.de is a FOSS #automation tool to help you find a flat in Berlin. Also told in a fully-automated #puppet #theater play: https://neopostmodern.com/portfolio/von-einem-der-auszog-eine-wohnung-in-berlin-zu-finden-3-akt
I'm chair of palast.jetzt, aiming to rebuild the #PalastDerRepublik, and member of thisisfake.team, a #VR collective.
#vr #palastderrepublik #theater #puppet #automation #mediaartist #berlin #introduction