I thought I'd reuse my introduction, because not much has changed:
Hi there 👋🏽
I'm BerthaOtto and go by Bertha in this iteration.
I'm a media(?) artist(??), IT worker and #AerialSilks practitioner based in Vienna.
Expect ramblings from my artistic process regarding silks and #MediaArts
I will follow all of the #circus people in the fediverse.
#aerialsilks #mediaarts #circus #introduction
Hi there 👋🏽
I'm BerthaOtto and go by Bertha in this iteration.
I'm a media(?) artist(??), IT worker and #AerialSilks practicioner based in Vienna.
Expect ramblings on my artistic process regardging silks and #MediaArts
I will follow all of the circus people in the fediverse.
#aerialsilks #mediaarts #introduction
Testing a print out of a generative text zine based on my own photos and also making some cute envelopes for it. #mastoart #mediaarts
(2/7) The online database “Women in Media Arts” aims to catalog information about women artists and their works, especially the ones who use digital media as their artistic tools and means of expression. The project makes this information available to the public to improve career opportunities and the public perception of females in #mediaarts. https://archive.aec.at/womeninmediaarts/ #womeninmediaarts
ProfessorIn für Computer Generated Object Design (CGO) at TH Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm, Fakultät Design / Nuremberg, Germany #Jobs
#jobs #teaching #mediaarts #generativedesign
Good morning, friends.
Today my 4th graders start adding art to their now functional games. There's a bunch of ways to do this but today I'm opting for sending them to https://pics4learning.com/ as the art there is all vetted, includes easy to copy citations, and is licensed to be free to use for #Education purposes.
Because saying "I got it from Google" gets you a zero in my class. Artists shouldn't steal from artists.
#edutooters #arted #mediaarts #school #teaching #education
I'm thinking of rehoming this account, as much as I like fosstodon and it's a large component to my art practice I've never thought it would last. Currently looking for more artsy video and sound instances. Any suggestions?
#instanceMigration #art #videoart #soundArt #assemblageart #mediaarts
#instancemigration #art #videoart #soundart #assemblageart #mediaarts
#introduction Born in DC; grew up in G'town; Dupont Cir; and now AU Park w/ wife and two (mostly) adult daughters. Focused on #tech #mediaarts, and #entrepreneurship
Capital Children's Museum (CCM) formerly at 3rd and H St NE is top influence on me. I attended K12 in the National Cathedral area and studies film and photography at Ithaca College and Information Technology at Cornell.
I look forward to connecting with people on the DMV server and generally available for ☕️ #meetup
#introduction #tech #mediaarts #entrepreneurship #meetup
Okay so, I'm Tobias from Germany, I live on Tenerife, but moving to #israel soon. I like places.
I work in "weird IT", project managing the #randonautica app. I'm also into #mediaarts, #neurodiversity & #occult stuff, that includes science & tech.
#randonaut #randomness #entropy #psychogeography #placeness #synchronicity #adhd #videoart #drone #ambient #WesternEsotericTradition #chaosmagic #magic #sorcery #radionics #linux #python #wyrd #weird #derive
#introduction #israel #randonautica #mediaarts #neurodiversity #occult #randonaut #randomness #entropy #psychogeography #placeness #synchronicity #adhd #videoart #drone #ambient #westernesoterictradition #chaosmagic #magic #sorcery #radionics #linux #python #wyrd #weird #derive
Hello, friends.
I went by "TheArtGuy." on Twitter. Now I #teach in a K-8 Arts Academy where we have a whole arts team, so it was a little pretentious to keep the old moniker.
I currently #teach #MediaArts, including video production, #photography, and web design.
I like reusing old tech, and know enough about Linux to be dangerous but not enough to be a jerk about it.
Other interests: #Education #DnD #EdTech #TTRPGs #VideoGames #Podcasting #CreativeCommons
#creativecommons #podcasting #videogames #ttrpgs #edtech #dnd #education #photography #mediaarts #teach #introductions #introduction
Hello, friends.
I went by "TheArtGuy." on Twitter. Now I #teach in a K-8 Arts Academy where we have a whole arts team, so it was a little pretentious to keep the old moniker.
I currently #teach #MediaArts, including video production, #photography, and web design.
I like reusing old tech, and know enough about Linux to be dangerous but not enough to be a jerk about it.
Other interests: #Education #DnD #EdTech #TTRPGs #VideoGames #Podcasting #CreativeCommons`
#creativecommons #podcasting #videogames #ttrpgs #edtech #dnd #education #photography #mediaarts #teach #introductions #introduction
Good morning, friends.
Today is still a work day, in that we have a workshop for students not already in our #MediaArts magnet program who are interested in joining.
I'll be presenting a brief explanation/demonstration of how to make a usable storyboard without having to utter the words "but I can't draw."
Say what you will about the Chrome web browser or OS, Chrome Music Lab is a wonderful site for me to use with my K-2 students.
My coauthor & dear friend Jesse Gilbert just joined Mastodon. Follow him here: @jesse
#AI #dataviz #VisualArt #ComputerVision #SoundStudies #infosec #DigitalArt #commodon #MediaStudies #MediaArts
#ai #dataviz #visualart #computervision #soundstudies #infosec #digitalArt #commodon #mediastudies #mediaarts
Hey #mediaarts #tech twitter. Any suggestions for setting up a REALLY SIMPLE #osc example? I'm thinking of the best way to show a large (100+) number of students (mixture of MacOs, Win, Linux) how two apps can communicate with each other.
Network connectivity will be very locked down so ideally two apps on their laptops to send-recieve #osc. Students currently working with p5.js and using VsCode.
What official news accounts are on here? Please help a lady out
I’m following @torontostar of course (fingers crossed they’re official)
#news #breakingnews #journalism #media #mediaarts #cbc #radiocanada #broadcasting #documentary #bbc #channel9 #reuters #apnews #aptn #tvonews #abc #globeandmail #ottawacitizsn #cdnpoli #toronto #onpoli #uottawa #carletonu #yorku #bishopsu
#news #breakingnews #journalism #media #mediaarts #cbc #radiocanada #broadcasting #documentary #bbc #channel9 #reuters #apnews #aptn #tvonews #abc #globeandmail #ottawacitizsn #cdnpoli #toronto #onpoli #uottawa #carletonu #yorku #bishopsu
@lingthusiasm @superlinguo @gretchenmcc a wide range of people, though mostly in #mediaarts - experimenting with ways of expressing creative shapes and forms with new languages.. #livecodingmusic #livecodingperformance
#livecodingperformance #livecodingmusic #mediaarts
#拡散歓迎 #文化庁メディア芸術祭 #メディア芸術 #mediaarts #メディア芸術祭
It's time for your #feedback ⏰ Help us to make NODE better and share your #NODE20 experience with us in a short survey ➡️ https://tinyurl.com/yyg44bg4
Photographer: Erie Ehrenberg
#NODE20 #SecondNature #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign #UX #vvvv #creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance #AV #AR #VR
#vr #ar #av #performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #ux #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #secondnature #NODE20 #feedback
The Emergency Broadcast Studio is loading with the great help of SATIS&FY, NSYNK, Hergarten Interactive Environments, Stage Precision and Stype. Check out our first day of preparation at Mousonturm.
#NODE20 #SecondNature #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign#UX #vvvv #creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance #AV #AR #VR
#vr #ar #av #performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #secondnature #NODE20