#AbolishThePrisons: Roy Wood Jr. after busting though dead dogs, double parked broom sticks, doors on doors, and the frantic search for content says starting at 7:44 excuse me but the #MediaCircus over the #arraignment was oblivious to the show put on by the #IndictedInsurector that obfuscated him not getting the full #CriminalJustice treatment meant to #dehumanize the #average person.
#abolishtheprisons #mediacircus #arraignment #indictedinsurector #criminaljustice #dehumanize #average
Weisselberg pleaded guilty in Aug to 15 counts including #TaxFraud, #conspiracy & #GrandLarceny & is serving a 5-mo jail sentence.…
Merchan will have the unprecedented job of figuring out how to hold a criminal proceeding involving a famously combative fmr president, who is still protected by the US #SecretService, & whose court appearances will almost certainly create a #MediaCircus.
#taxfraud #conspiracy #grandlarceny #secretservice #mediacircus
The US president Donald Trump. What he cares about... http://bit.ly/2XOBXtP
#DonaldTrump #USpresident #Trump #USA #whathecarsabout
#publicity #mediastunt #mediacircus #USmedia
#usmedia #mediacircus #mediastunt #publicity #whathecarsabout #usa #trump #uspresident #donaldtrump