Terms of Reference: Final evaluation of the EU-funded project “European Media Facility in Armenia - Building Sustainable and Professional Media”
#DWAkademie #opportunities #jobs #evaluation #Armenia #mediadevelopment #developmentcooperation
#developmentcooperation #mediadevelopment #armenia #evaluation #jobs #opportunities #DWAkademie
Call for tenders: Podcasting trainers and coaches
#DWAkademie #opportunities #tender #podcasting #podcast #trainer #mediadevelopment #Namibia #Thailand #myanmar #EastAfrica # climatechange
#eastafrica #myanmar #thailand #namibia #mediadevelopment #trainer #podcast #podcasting #tender #opportunities #DWAkademie
Got an idea for a new podcast? Get start-up help from professionals
#mediadevelopment #training #podcast #DWAkademie
Bolivia: Radionovela declared intangible piece of cultural heritage
#DWAkademie #communityradio #mediadevelopment #Bolivia #indigenouscommunity
#indigenouscommunity #bolivia #mediadevelopment #communityradio #DWAkademie
Journalism to save the rainforest
#DWAkademie #mediadevelopment #environmentalthreats #journalism #Colombia
#colombia #journalism #environmentalthreats #mediadevelopment #DWAkademie
Afghan refugees
“The concept of freedom is at the core of our work”
#DWAkademie #mediadevelopment #mediafreedom #freedomofspeech #journalism #crisis
#crisis #journalism #freedomofspeech #mediafreedom #mediadevelopment #DWAkademie
"If independent media work together, we can counter the flood of disinformation, propaganda and censorship"
#DWAkademie #mediadevelopment #mediafreedom #freedomofspeech #disinformation
#disinformation #freedomofspeech #mediafreedom #mediadevelopment #DWAkademie
DW Akademie report 2022/23
#DWAkademie #mediadevelopment #humanrights #report #mediafreedom #freedomofspeech
#freedomofspeech #mediafreedom #report #humanrights #mediadevelopment #DWAkademie
'Country Queen': Groundbreaking Kenyan series premieres in Germany
#Kenya #mediadevelopment #Netflix #FilmDevelopmentFund #DWAkademie
#DWAkademie #filmdevelopmentfund #netflix #mediadevelopment #kenya
Mongolia: Making the news media more transparent and viable
#Mongolia #media #mediadevelopment #mediaviability #mediasustainability #audiences #MediaandInformationLiteracy #DWAkademie #localjournalism #journalism
#journalism #localjournalism #DWAkademie #mediaandinformationliteracy #audiences #mediasustainability #mediaviability #mediadevelopment #media #mongolia
Anonymity, emotions, and questionable information: Seven takeaways on how Telegram channels operate in Ukraine
#mediadevelopment #telegram #WARINUKRAINE #Ukraine
CRIC: "It is important that our reality and our everyday life are represented."
#cauca #columbia #mediadevelopment #indigenousrights
Tune in: DW Akademie launches new podcast on successful media business models
#DWAkademie #podcast #mediaviability #businessmodels #media #mediadevelopment
#mediadevelopment #media #businessmodels #mediaviability #podcast #DWAkademie
What is Media Viability?
#DWAkademie #mediaviability #keytopics #fieldsofaction #mediadevelopment #medialandscape #mediabusiness #businessmodel #MediaResilience
#mediaresilience #businessmodel #Mediabusiness #mediaLandscape #mediadevelopment #fieldsofaction #keytopics #mediaviability #DWAkademie
Nigeria: "Climate change affects women, children and the elderly more"
#climatechange #DWAkademie #mediadevelopment #WestAfrica #Nigeria #Mediaandjournalismeducation
#mediaandjournalismeducation #nigeria #westafrica #mediadevelopment #DWAkademie #climatechange
DW Akademie in Côte d'Ivoire
#DWAkademie #mediadevelopment #Coted'Ivoire #Africa #journalismtraining #MediaandInformationLiteracy
#mediaandinformationliteracy #journalismtraining #africa #coted #mediadevelopment #DWAkademie
Freedom of Expression and Media Development
#impact #evaluation #mediadevelopment
International Media Studies
#economicimpact #evaluation #mediadevelopment