Cliff Schechter explains why the "heroic" young woman who repeatedly clowns behind the über-clown Peter Navarro when he appears on camera is performing a valuable service by using her free speech to point out exactly who Navarro is, as the media invite Jan. 6 coup plotters onto their shows and normalize them.
#PeterNavarro #FreeSpeech #CoupPlotter #insurrection #Jan6 #BigLie #normalization #MediaFail
#peternavarro #freespeech #coupplotter #insurrection #Jan6 #biglie #normalization #mediafail
A vibecession? Come on. Making up words when it’s just a vast and unchecked right-wing disinfo machine. #FCCfail #propaganda #economy #mediafail
#fccfail #propaganda #economy #mediafail
"While political reporters obsess over the anger and resentments felt by blue-collar white men in Rust Belt diners, liberals’ emotions are seldom considered worthy of the same kind of exploration."
~ Paul Waldman
#Trump #Biden #polls #MediaFail
#trump #Biden #polls #mediafail
"And our newspapers, in the interest of finding common ground with conservatives, seem to be having a bit of trouble saying that the crime was racist. For many of them, it was 'racial,' which means it was racist, but that polite people can disagree politely about it.
#DeSantis #Florida #woke #racism #violence #guns #GunCulture #MediaFail
#desantis #Florida #woke #racism #violence #guns #gunculture #mediafail
“We are still getting endless stories about the Republican voter. But who are the Democratic voters? What do they want? They are, after all, a majority.”
~ Heather Cox Richardson as cited by Dan Froomkin
#democrats #voters #mediafail #media
“What we call the Republican Party is barely a political party in any sense of the word but a dangerous antisocial movement that has embraced many of the tenets of fascism, from calls for violence to its dehumanizing of ‘others’ — from desperate refugees at the border to transgender youth.”
#republicans #fascism #authoritarianism #mediafail
Margaret Sullivan looks at media fawning over Trump wannabe, the arrogant, shallow "millennial tech bro" Vivek Ramaswamy, and asks,
"Shouldn’t mainstream journalists be able to step back a tiny bit, providing critical distance rather than the same old tricks?
How can there be 'winners' in yet another milestone on the way to fascism?
Losers? That’s easier. I think we already know who they are: Americans who care about democracy."
#Vivek #Ramaswamy #Trump #MediaFail
#vivek #ramaswamy #trump #mediafail
"I’ve never heard anyone in the aviation world say that the 'Reagan administration' had 'replaced' the striking controllers. He fired them, and it’s worth stating that fact clearly."
Bie it noted that the New York Times will stand on its head, chew gum, and dance all at once if Republican managers tell it to accomplish that feat.
And it will show no shame at all for its disgraceful performance.
#reagan #newyorktimes #republicans #mediafail #airlines
James Fallows focuses on a recent New York Times article reporting that airline close calls are more frequent than we realize.
A big problem is overworked air-traffic controllers, a problem stemming from Reagan's firing of thousands of those folks, an event the Times chooses — curiously — to call Reagan's "replacing" of them.
Fallows writes,
#reagan #newyorktimes #republicans #mediafail #airlines
"It took many journalists years to figure out they were being played by Trump (and some of the cable nets still haven’t learned). We can’t afford for the Trump’s judges to be that slow on the uptake."
~ David Kurtz
P.S. A lot of the media STILL haven't learned — and don't intend to learn.
#Trump #crime #LawandOrder #BigLie #insurrection #MediaFail
#trump #crime #lawandorder #biglie #insurrection #mediafail
So these media sorts have no problem shilling for a Republican party whose goal is to extend nationally the kind of right-wing theocratic control we see the GOP already exerting in solidly red heartland states like Alabama and Arkansas. As long as the media shills and their top managers and owners get their tax breaks — and none of these folks have to live in Alabama or Arkansas — they're perfectly content to shill for the Republicans.
#whiitechristiannationalism #republicans #mediafail
My footnote on what Robert P. Jones says here:
More than a few media gurus who live in elite cultural bubbles — I'm talking about the outlets that set the standards like New York Times and Washington Post — don't mind at all relegating a large number of Americans to theocratic control in solidly red heartland states.
Though those same media mavens would be horrified at the thought of living in those places themselves.
#WhiteSupremacy #WhiiteChristianNationalism #Republicans #MediaFail
#whitesupremacy #whiitechristiannationalism #republicans #mediafail
Michael Podhorzer comments on Peter Baker's article about Trump's indictments yawn-inducing:
"That Times article well characterizes the way in which the road to dystopia continues to be paved by the political class’s inevitable normalizing of (or treating as hyperbole) what, were it happening anywhere else in the world, would be properly understood as the actions and intentions of an increasingly powerful fascist movement."
#trump #indictments #newyorktimes #mediafail
Will Bunch writes that the young man who drowned in the Rio Grande the first week of August due to Greg Abbott's buoy barrier had a name:
Norlan Bayardo Herrera.
But he adds,
"If I had waited on the American mainstream media to write about the human beings lost to the barbaric policies of the governor of the nation’s second-largest state, I would still be waiting."
#GregAbbott #migrants #RioGrande #cruelty #barbarism #Pro-Life #MediaFail
#gregabbott #migrants #riogrande #cruelty #barbarism #pro #mediafail
Excellent analysis by Jason Linkins of how the mainstream media — looking at you, New York Times — applauds when Republicans “exert maximal power” to get what they want but expects Democrats to adopt "the role of helpmate, permitted to step up occasionally to buffer the GOP’s excesses but not to exert maximal power themselves.”
Linkins wonders how these media will treat Alabama's defiance of the Supreme Court..
#mediafail #alabama #supremecourt
And it implicates scads of people including large numbers of highly placed Republicans ….
And many beltway media types have long played the game of pretending that there are "good" and "bad" Republicans, and they themselves, or their friends who vote Republican, are the "good" types….
The mainstream media are one of the biggest reasons the U.S. is facing a serious possibility right now that a multiply indicted criminal will be elected president.
#trump #crime #lawandorder #mediafail
"While the larger media world continues to struggle to accept this lesson—one of the biggest of the 2016 election—it’s important for political observers and news consumers to look at these situations with a wider lens to avoid being misled."
#Trump #crime #criminal #LawandOrder #BigLie #insurrection #MediaFail #BothSidesism
#trump #crime #criminal #lawandorder #biglie #insurrection #mediafail #bothsidesism
"Press coverage intended to fairly represent 'both sides' of an issue runs a high risk of failure when one side is dominated by bad-faith actors. In such cases, creating the impression of balance can lead to drawing false equivalences, elevating unserious positions, and minimizing serious crimes."
~ Joe Perticone
#Trump #crime #criminal #LawandOrder #BigLie #insurrection #MediaFail #BothSidesism
#trump #crime #criminal #lawandorder #biglie #insurrection #mediafail #bothsidesism
"The New York Times has never apologized for its Clinton email coverage. Maybe it will someday. Maybe the political media writ large will eventually learn the lesson of 2016, and stop getting played by a bad-faith Republican scandal machine. Or maybe that will be the lesson of 2024. Again."
#NYTimes #NewYorkTimes #MediaFail #Republicans #Trump #crime #HunterBiden
#nytimes #newyorktimes #mediafail #republicans #trump #crime #hunterbiden
"Nevertheless, the highly accomplished Republican media-frenzy factory is going all out to turn it into a major story, and getting many takers in the mainstream media.
The obvious goal is confusing some voters into thinking that Biden is as much of a criminal as Donald Trump.
Which he is not."
#hunterbiden #republicans #mediafail #trump #crime