Just heard on radio news- shortage of pain relief medicines is blamed on the lockdowns and panic buying back then. 🤔 surely it couldn’t be that a lot of people are sick with Covid RSV or strep! No.. or China are in a huge wave right now and limited stock. What will they blame the antibiotic shortage on then! No trust in any of them for truth.. #MediaFailingUs #CovidIsFarFromOver
#mediafailingus #covidisfarfromover
One of these ones is not like the other ones! So much of our media is not just clickbait driven, but it's not even good clickbait. I refuse to click on cheap headlines. Indeed it's been months since I last wandered into Google's curated content and maybe it'll be another few months before I try again.
#clickbait #mediafailingus #clickbaitwillkillusall