#MediaFire links are still working to this day.
"So Far", from January 2007 to August 2007:
"Donkey Business", a tribute to the Donkey Kong Country series:
"Appetite for Reconstruction", from August 2007 to August 2008:
"The Collage Dropout", from October 2008 to September 2010:
To replicate an issue I had to create a Deepin VM and of course I went to download via torrent and a part from #MediaFire web page caught my attention (screenshot). Do they really think all that orange area is "China"? Seriously?!? From top of my head these are the countries *other than China* in that orange region:
Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, UAE, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippine, South Korea, Japan
A tutorial on how to grab #MediaFire files using Pyxia's mf-dl tool... https://datahorde.org/how-to-archive-or-scrape-mediafire-files-using-mf-dl/