[en] To fight financial illiteracy, we mapped our money system as waterworks

"... most of us remain unfamiliar with the jargon of economists, bankers and tax experts. As in 2009, today’s democracies continue to be divided into what Taibbi describes as a “two-tiered state, one with plugged-in financial bureaucrats above and clueless customers below.”


#financial #finance #literacy #illiteracy #money #moneySystem #cds #cdo #economics #trickledown #mediahighlights

Last updated 1 year ago

[en] To fight financial illiteracy, we mapped our money system as waterworks

"... most of us remain unfamiliar with the jargon of economists, bankers and tax experts. As in 2009, today’s democracies continue to be divided into what Taibbi describes as a “two-tiered state, one with plugged-in financial bureaucrats above and clueless customers below.”

#financial #finance #literacy #illiteracy #money #moneySystem #cds #cdo #economics #trickledown #mediahighlights

Last updated 1 year ago

[en] Schneier: Automatically enforce laws, sue ... at mass scale?

"Imagine a future in which AIs automatically interpret - and enforce - laws"

"Some legal scholars predict that computationally personalized law and its automated enforcement are the future of law."

"... This system would present an unprecedented threat to freedom. ..."


#microdirective #freedom #lawenforcement #airegulation #ai #llm #gpt4 #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #mediahighlights

Last updated 1 year ago

[de] Das Internet der Monopole

Vortrag von Dr. Martin Andree, Universität Köln

Für viele sehr interessant und wohl überraschend. Empfehlenswert. Bei einigen Punkten lässt sich diskutieren.

v=BQReNMx77VE Youtube oder bevorzugtes Frontend wie

#Andree #unikoln #netzwerkeffekt #standards #Monopolmissbrauch #wettbewerb #gafam #monopol #monopole #mediahighlights

Last updated 2 years ago

Letzte Woche auf SRF - Anka Reuel:

"KI ... Entwicklung ... findet viel viel schneller statt als z. B. die industrielle Revolution, was uns weniger Anpassungszeit gibt und gleichzeitig spüren ... Millionen von Menschen die Auswirkungen von KI-Systemen, sobald diese auf den Markt gebracht werden, egal ob positiv oder negativ, was es in dieser Grössenordnung und Schnelligkeit noch nicht gegeben hat."


#ankareuel #Reuel #regulierung #chatgpt #llm #ki #mediahighlights

Last updated 2 years ago

[en] Longread: Birth and Making of Surveillance Technology, Backdoors etc., Presumably to Oppress Racial Minorities etc.

Interesting read. Apparently shows involvement of Hikvision, Huawei, Dahua, according to the text. Might help the rest of the world to better understand why the US is inclined to ban such companies ...


#security #privacy #infosec #itsecurity #ictsecurity #backdoor #surveillance #dahua #huawei #hikvision #mediahighlights

Last updated 2 years ago