Join now! There's never been a more urgent time to #ChangeTheMedia
For diverse, democratic, accountable #media join's campaign for #MediaReform and #MediaJustice
#BeTheMedia #KnowTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia
Better Media is a co-operative owned and run by it's members. Join here from as little as £1/ month:
#KnowTheMedia #bethemedia #mediajustice #MediaReform #media #ChangeTheMedia
For diverse, democratic, accountable #media join's campaign for #MediaReform and #MediaJustice
#BeTheMedia #KnowTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia
Better Media is a co-operative owned and run by it's members. Join here from as little as £1/ month:
#ChangeTheMedia #KnowTheMedia #bethemedia #mediajustice #MediaReform #media
#BeTheMedia #KnowTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia
Have you joined yet?! (I have) :)
For diverse, democratic, accountable #media join's campaign for #MediaReform and #MediaJustice
#BeTheMedia #KnowTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia
Better Media is a co-operative owned and run by it's members. Join here from as little as £1/ month:
#mediajustice #MediaReform #media #ChangeTheMedia #KnowTheMedia #bethemedia
It really is pathetic. And dangerous. We urgently need #bettermedia in the UK. Please, everyone, join today and together we can work toward #mediajustice
What are the news headlines? ‘Deadliest day for Britain’? ‘A thousand dead’? Or, ‘Why has this happened?’.
No. It’s: ‘Boris Johnson is doing short walks’.
What on earth is wrong with British journalism? It’s pitiful. Embarrassing.
“Well it’s better than prison, isn’t it?” I laughed and told them that that was the wrong question."
#MediaJustice fellow, James Kilgore ( on why settling for electronic monitoring hinders our fight for freedom: #NoDigitalPrisons
#mediajustice #NoDigitalPrisons
MediaJustice is a badass group of artists, creators and techies advancing #mediajustice and #techjustice.
They just launched their new website. I love the design (done by fellow tech coop Design Action) and it's chock full of good resources and actions we can all take.
Congrats to team #MediaJustice on their new site!
We now have a #PeerTube instance -
These will mostly be videos of our presentations we give on topics like #FreeSoftware #DigitalCommons and #MediaJustice . As well as how-tos for #Drupal #Django #React etc.
#react #django #drupal #mediajustice #digitalcommons #freesoftware #peertube