RonniSalt Retweeted
💧Bronwyn Clark 🕯
Jul 14
I mean, imagine if all the journos who thought Albo not remembering an exact figure for one moment during an election campaign was unforgivable bothered to check out the accuracy of pretty much everything Dutton says.
Is There Such A Thing as Local Commercial Radio? UK legislation designates radio as either 'independent' or 'community'. It's important to get the distinctions right, as we gear-up for changes in legislation in the UK Media Bill #mediareform
This summary of the new draft #MediaBill from Hacked Off is spot-on - even the last remnants of the #Leveson reforms are being wiped away, after years of blatant refusal by the Tories to implement reforms supported by parliament. Their incentives are clear.
#mediabill #leveson #mediareform #knowthemedia
short, but essential #reading (summary attached): what are the Seven Principles of Public Life (or #NolanPrinciples)?
via @GovUK
#politicians #politics #MediaReform
#reading #nolanprinciples #politicians #politics #mediareform
"Britain is in a terrible and worsening mess, and it can never really change for the better – that is to say that no politician or party, no matter how well intentioned, will be able to set it firmly on the path to recovery – without #MediaReform."
And: It's not just #Harry.
In 2023 we'll have monthly updates of the work we've been doing, alongside our monthly financial reports. Check out Jan's update here, including:
🖋️A guide for Local Community Media Co-ops
🖋️Collating media reform resources
🖋️Ambitions for union collab
#changethemedia #mediareform #mediacoops #tradeunions
@badwolftyler the #ToxicLiberalParty is still full of racist old white men with colonial values and ideologies. They aren't fit to be a political force in #AusPol ever again. Their women aren't any better, some even worse which is hard to comprehend.
They should fade away.
As for the #ToxicOzMedia who endorse them, they need to go as well. We need serious #MediaReform and #MediaRegulation
#toxicliberalparty #auspol #toxicozmedia #mediareform #MediaRegulation